1st Edition

The Tory Mind on Education 1979-1994

By Denis Lawton Copyright 1994
    176 Pages
    by Routledge

    176 Pages
    by Routledge

    This book discusses conservative education policies since 1979 by referring to beliefs, values and attitudes. It relates ideology to policies and provides some background about the years before 1979 – definitions of Conservatism and descriptions of Tory beliefs and traditional Conservative views on education. The second part of the book provides a brief outline of the years between the 1944 Education Act and 1979.

    1 Conservatism and Conservative Views on Education. 2 From Consensus to Conflict 1944-79. 3 The Attack on Education 1979-86. 4 The Baker Years 1986-89. 5 From Confusion to Chaos 1989-94 6 Ideology & Policies 1979-94: Some Problems and Contradictions. 7 The Needs of a Modern Education Service 8 The Tory Mind Revisited: Markets or Planning? 9 Summary and Conclusion. Bibliography. Index.


    D Lawton