1st Edition

The Unstoppable Sales Machine How to Connect, Convert, and Close New Customers

By Shawn Casemore Copyright 2023
    220 Pages 25 B/W Illustrations
    by Productivity Press

    220 Pages 25 B/W Illustrations
    by Productivity Press

    220 Pages 25 B/W Illustrations
    by Productivity Press

    To say that selling in today's economy has changed would be an understatement. Today's buyers are spending less and less time with sales, preferring to do their research from afar.

    These shifts require today's sales professionals to apply a new system to maximize their selling potential. Prospecting, nurturing leads, converting new opportunities, and adding value all require different methods, resources, and skills than what was considered acceptable only a few short years ago.

    This comprehensive book on sales addresses the shifts that sales professionals and their organizations need to make to sell in today's economy. It provides insights and proven strategies for sales professionals, sales executives, leaders, and business owners -- anyone who desires to increase their sales rapidly and sustainably without investing significant time or money.

    Based on his work with high-performing sales teams globally, Shawn Casemore introduces the reader to a new model to create an environment of "Unstoppable SalesSM"-- sharing the strategies and tactics of how top-performing sales professionals have continued to increase their sales year over year despite the economy.

    In this book, Shawn shares:

    • Gaining and retaining the attention of today's busy prospects.
    • Building a sales funnel that attracts your ideal customers or clients.
    • How to interrupt the patterns of your prospects and increase interest in your offer.
    • Introduce real-time responsiveness to differentiate in a crowded market.
    • Using value-based selling strategies with the R.U.S.H. Value Model.
    • Introducing simple hurdles for prospects to self-qualify (and save you time).
    • How to introduce a referral system that fuels your selling opportunities.
    • Steps to capitalizing on your most enthusiastic customers or clients.

    In this book, you’ll find powerful models, tools, and resources, including the Hybrid Sales Funnel, Rocket Fuel Referral Process, and the Market Maximizer. In addition, Shawn shares how you can quickly establish your Unstoppable Sales Machine regardless of the size or sector of your company.

    This book accepts you where you are and then walks you through the steps to introduce and launch your sales machine quickly. It contains all the advice, guidance, case studies, and worksheets you need to implement.

    You’ll find value whether you intend to scale your sales or simply want more freedom from the daily rollercoaster of your current sales methods.

    Learn how to become an expert at sales or improve your sales results, all while having the freedom and comfort of knowing that your machine will never let you down.




    About the Author


    Part 1: New Age Selling: What it Takes to Sell in Today’s Evolving Marketplace

    Chapter 1:

    What is an Unstoppable Sales Machine (and why do I need one)?

      • The four things that are stopping your sales
      • Old school "feet on the street" selling is dead.
      • Funnel Fallacies: You can’t sell everything online.
      • In an online world, relationships still matter.

    Chapter 2:

    Course Correction: How to Get the Attention of Today’s Buyers.

      • How today’s buyers are looking for your products or services.
      • The impact of one-click on buyer behavior.
      • The attention generation: How to get their attention; keep it; then get it again.
      • Solving a Problem is not the Problem.
      • Impatience is the new norm: How time can make or break the sale.

    Chapter 3:

    Be There First with the Most: Staying ahead of your competition.

      • Customer Intelligence: Zig when your competitors zag.
      • The Hybrid Selling: Sales and marketing working together.
      • Tools you’ll need to make your machine sing.
      • Empower your buyers to buy.

    Chapter 4:

    What Will Happen if You Don’t Build Your Sales Machine?

      • Strong sales don’t last forever.
      • Death by 1000 cuts: The wrong approach to selling.
      • The New Age of Selling: Why time is not on your side.
      • Use your Sales Machine to attract (and retain) top sales talent.

    Part 2: Ingredients for building your Unstoppable Sales Machine: Where to begin.

    Chapter 5:

    Building Your Machine and the Best Place to Start.

      • A strategy to accelerate sales growth.
      • The 8 key components of your unstoppable sales machine.
      • Testing your assumptions (and avoid a catastrophic failure).
      • Building your machine while you continue to sell.

    Chapter 6:

    Ideal Buyer’s: Why You Need Them and How to Attract Them.

      • Why you can’t (and shouldn’t) sell to everyone.
      • How to identify your "ideal" buyer.
      • Strategies to attract your ideal buyer.
      • The Twelve Commandments of Buyer Attraction

    Chapter 7:

    Countdown to Conversion: Engaging with Your Ideal Buyers

      • The key to your machine: Interrupting your buyer’s patterns.
      • How to introduce pattern interrupts for your buyers.
      • The need for speed: Why responsiveness is your competitive advantage.
      • Stoke the fire: Adding value where your competitors don’t.
      • Managing the flow of buyers: Push versus pull.

    Chapter 8:

    Countdown to Launch: Fine Tuning Your Machine Before Liftoff

      • Fuel for your machine: The rules to connecting with ideal buyers.
      • Qualification Hurdles: Getting your ideal buyers to engage with you.
      • Buyer Intelligence: Making your machine agile and responsive.
      • Introducing your Referral Vortex to maximize sales thrust.

    Chapter 9:

    Board the Crew: Gaining Buy-in to Enable Your Sales Machine.

      • Why everyone is in sales, even your accountant.
      • Enabling your sales: Why you need rapid response for quick conversion.
      • Developing a buyer-centric culture
      • How to engage your team and sell more.

    Part 3: Prepare the Rockets: Launching your machine.

    Chapter 10:

    Launch Your Machine (prepare for the worst, expect the best).

      • Ready, Aim, Fire: Steps to introducing your unstoppable sales machine
      • Execution of your plan: From paper to practice.
      • Ease existing buyers into your machine.
      • Keeping your eye on the ball: Measuring the metrics that matter.
      • Avoid and overcome common pitfalls when introducing your machine.

    Chapter 11:

    Advanced Strategies to Accelerate Your Sales

      • Tuning your machine for optimum performance.
      • Touchpoint opportunities to engage with your buyers.
      • Entice your team to personalize every buyer experience.
      • Language to accelerate the sale.

    Chapter 12:

    Dial in Your Sales: Scale Up or Slow Down Your Sales with your Machine.

      • Scale up attention: Four sources for new business.
      • Scale up your sales: Three steps to generate more revenue.
      • Sales scale up framework.
      • Scaling back your sales (gasp!)

    Chapter 13:

    Set Your Sights on Market Domination

      • Why pursue dominating your market.
      • Companies who dominate in their market
      • Dominate your market: Putting your machine into overdrive.
      • Taking the next step: Introducing your very own unstoppable sales machine.




    Shawn Casemore is a professional speaker, consultant, and coach who helps organizations create an environment of Unstoppable SalesSM. His work has attracted clients such as Bosch, N.G.K., CN Rail, Tim Hortons, PepsiCo, Kids Help Phone, Sick Kids, and over 200 other leading organizations. 

    Some of the world's top organizations have used his keynote speeches, sales training programs, and sales coaching to elevate their sales performance. 

    Shawn's published work includes hundreds of articles in print and online for publications such as Forbes, Fast Company, Chief Executive, and Industry Week

    He's also the author of five books on sales, sales leadership, and sales culture.