1st Edition

The Women Aesthetes vol 1 British Writers, 1870–1900

    394 Pages
    by Routledge

    The aesthetic movement dominated the closing decades of the nineteenth century. It was significant for the role women played in it at a time when there were growing opportunities for them, both artistically and professionally. The material in this collection provides a representative selection of essays, fiction, poetry and drama by female authors.

    Volume 1 General Introduction 1870–1880 General Introduction Editorial Principles Ouida [Marie Louise de la Ramée] Folle-Farine (1871), excerpts Princess Napraxine (1884), excerpts A. C. Thompson [Alice Meynell] Preludes (1875) The Colour of Life and Other Essays on T ings Seen and Heard (1896) Rhoda and Agnes Garrett, Suggestions for House Decoration in Painting, Woodwork and Furniture (1876) Violet Fane [Mary Montgomerie Lamb, Mary Montgomerie Singleton, Mary Montgomerie Currie and Lady Currie], The Queen of Fairies (A Village Story) and Other Poems (1876) A. Mary F. Robinson [Mary Darmester and Mary Duclaux], A Handful of Honeysuckle (1878) Broughton, Second Thoughts (1880), excerpTheditorial Notes List of Sources


    Jane Spirit, Sue Asbee, Mary Joannou, Claire Nicholson