544 Pages
    by Routledge

    This 14-volume edition contains the key works and commentary by leading Fisher scholars, allowing modern readers access to the major issues in Fisherian economic thought.

    VOLUME 12 Acknowledgements; Editorial Introduction; “How the Public Should Pay for the War”, July 1917; From Henry C. Simons, 28 October 1938; From Edwin R. A. Seligman, 28 August 1937; Testimony before the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives, 14 May 194; Testimony before the Senate Committee on Finance, 14 August 1942; “A Statistical Method for Measuring ‘Marginal Utility’ and Testing the Justice of a Progressive Income Tax”, from Economic Essays Contributed in Honor of John Bates Clark, 1927; “Income in Theory and Income Taxation in Practice”, January 1937; “A Practical Schedule for an Income Tax”, July 1937; “The Double Taxation of Savings”, March 1939; “Paradoxes in Taxing Savings”, April 1942; Constructive Income Taxation: A Proposal for Reform, 1942; Bibliography; Index of Legal Cases; General Index; Editorial Postscript; “Income Tax Revision: Reply”, January 1943; “Destructive Taxation: a Rejoinder”, March 1943; Testimony before the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives, 11 October 1943; Appendix: “The Unperceived Double Taxation of Income: Answers to Those Who Deny Its Existence”, 1946


    William J. Barber, James Tobin, Robert W. Dimand, Kevin Foster