310 Pages
    by Routledge

    This 14-volume edition contains the key works and commentary by leading Fisher scholars, allowing modern readers access to the major issues in Fisherian economic thought.

    VOLUME 13 Acknowledgements; Introduction; Chapter I. Articulating the Social Responsibility of Scientific Professionals; “Economists in Public Service”, March 1919; Chapter II. Campaigning for Policies to Improve National Health; “The Committee of One Hundred”, March 1908; “Summary”, National Vitality, Its Wastes and Conservation, 1909; Testimony before the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce of the House of Representatives, 13 February 1909; “The Need for Health Insurance”, March 1917; “Humanizing Industry”, March 1919; To Members of the Committee of One Hundred on National Health, 29 September 1923; To President Franklin D. Roosevelt, 11 June 1934; To President Franklin D. Roosevelt, 13 December 1934; Chapter III. Promoting Personal Health and the Extension of Life; “The Coming Movement for Extending Human Life”, January 1915; “Membership Pledge of the Life Extension Institute”, 15 May 1915; “Life Extension: A Talk at Vassar College”, 7 April 1917; “Lengthening of Human Life in Retrospect and Prospect”, January 1927; Draft Agreement for Members of a Society for the Practice of Individual Hygiene, 17 May 1936; To President Franklin D. Roosevelt, 31 May 1938; To President Franklin D. Roosevelt, 27 October 1943; Chapter IV. Crusading against Alcohol; Testimony on the Sale of Intoxicating Liquors before a Sub-committee on Excise and Liquor Legislation of the House of Representatives, 7 March 1912; “The Cause of War-time Prohibition”, May 1917 ; “Can Prohibition Drive out Drink?”, 4 January 1919; “The Significance of the Anti-Alcohol Movement”, 8 June 1919; Testimony on the National Prohibition Law before the Sub-committee of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary, 5 April 1926; Yale News, 21 April 1926; Further Testimony before the Sub-committee of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary, 24 April 1926; “What Prohibition Has Done”, 27 January 1929 Statement Submitted to the House Judiciary Committee, 3 April 1930; To President Franklin D. Roosevelt, 12 November 1933; From Henry L. Stimson, 24 February 1942; Chapter V. Crusading for Eugenics; “Eugenics”, November 1913; “Eugenics - Foremost Plan of Human Redemption”, 4 August 1915; “The Menace of Racial Deterioration”, 1915; “Impending Problems of Eugenics”, September 1921; Report of the Committee on Selective Immigration, November 1923; To Charles B. Davenport, 1 December 1924; “What Have We to Do with Eugenics?”, August 1930; “The Racial Aspects of War”, November 1930; To President Franklin D. Roosevelt, 22 February 1937; Chapter VI. Campaigning for World Peace; “After the War, What?”, 16 August 1914; “Some Probable Economic Effects of the War”, 30 August 1914; League or War? 1923; “Which Way to Peace?”, 22July 1940; Chapter VII. Promoting Calendar Reform; “What is Calendar Reform?”, 1930; Appendix: Miscellaneous Manifestations of Ingenuity; “A New Tent for the Treatment of Tuberculosis”, 26 December 1903; “A New Method for Indicating Food Values”, April 1906; “A Three Dimensional Depiction of Functional Income Distribution”, November 1939; “The Index Visible Filing System”, 1912; “The Icosahedral World Map”, October 1943; “The Portable Stool”, 1945


    William J. Barber, James Tobin, Robert W. Dimand, Kevin Foster