1st Edition

The Works of Nikolai D Kondratiev Vol 3

    382 Pages
    by Routledge

    This four-volume set contains a large selection of Kondratiev's work in translation. Kondratiev produced works on aspects of long waves, questions of methodology, economic dynamics, economic policy, and both the history of economic thought and economic history.

    Volume 3: Writings on Agriculture; The System of the Unified Agricultural Tax in Kind; Report of the Third All-Russian Agricultural Congress: Changes in World and Russian Agriculture during and after the War and the Main Goals of our Agricultural Policy; Relative Fall in Grain Prices and its Significance; The World Grain Market and Prospects for our Grain Exports; Report of the Session of the NKFin Board: The Unified Agricultural Tax; Report: Present State of and Prospects for the Movement of National Economic and Agricultural Conjuncture in Connection with the Progress of Monetary Reform at the Plenary Session of Zemplan; Natural Accumulation in Agriculture and the Development of the National Economy; On the Question of Rural Differentiation; Characteristic Properties of the Conditions of the Development of Agriculture in the USSR and their Significance; Industry and Agriculture and their Interrelations; The Problem of Foresight; Plan and Forecast: Methods of Compiling Perspective Plans for Development of the National Economy and for Agriculture in Particular; Critical Notes on the Plan of National Economic Development; Report: Foundations of the Perspective Plans for Development of Agriculture and Forestry


    Natalia Makasheva, Warren J. Samuels, Vincent Barnett