1st Edition

The Works of Nikolai D Kondratiev Vol 4

    386 Pages
    by Routledge

    This four-volume set contains a large selection of Kondratiev's work in translation. Kondratiev produced works on aspects of long waves, questions of methodology, economic dynamics, economic policy, and both the history of economic thought and economic history.

    Volume 4: Further Writings on Agriculture, Speeches, Letters Speeches, Notes on Vital Problems in the Period; The Food Provisions Crisis: The Tasks of the Organisation of the Economy; The Agrarian Question: On Land and Land Orders; Large Peasant Farms; Regulation of the Grain Market and the Supply of Grain to the Army and Population during the War and the Revolution 1914 -18 The Regulation of Procurement; Actual Course of Procurement; Haulage Regulation and the Supply Plan; Regulation of the Consumption and Distribution of Grain; The Year of Revolution from the Economic Point of View; The Moscow Institute for Economic Research and its Work Letters 1922, 1932 -38; The Life of Tugan-Baranovsky; Glossary of Terms; Key; Index


    Natalia Makasheva, Warren J. Samuels, Vincent Barnett