1st Edition

The World Aluminum Industry in a Changing Energy Era

Edited By Mark R. Lepper Copyright 1988
    250 Pages
    by Routledge

    250 Pages
    by Routledge

    As a heavy user of electricity the primary aluminium smelting industry is a leading example of the effects of variations in energy costs. This title tells the story that with the rise in energy costs, three regions—Japan, the United States, and Western Europe –have become high-cost locations for primary aluminium production relative to three other regions—Australia, Brazil, and Canada. First published in 1988, this volume presents an analysis of the public policy choices regarding the aluminium industry and electric power in both low-cost power countries and high-cost power countries. The World Aluminium Industry in a Changing Energy World is ideal for policy makers and students interested in environmental studies.

    Contributors;  Foreword by Uma Lele;  Foreword by Genchang Chen; Preface;  1. Introduction  2. Devolution as a Means of Expanding Local Forest Management in South China: Lessons from the Past 20 Years  3. Taxes and Fees in the Southern Collective Forest Region  4. Central Characteristics of Reform: Measures of the Effects of Improved Property Rights, a Stable Policy Environment, and Environment Protection  5. Policy Reform and Investment in Forestry  6. Forest Exploitation and Protection in Reform China: Assessing the Impacts of Policy and Economic Growth  7. Deforestation and Reforestation in Hainan: Roles of Markets and Institutions  8. Forestry, Poverty, and Rural Development: Perspectives from the Bamboo Subsector  9. Impacts of policy Reforms on Forest Environments and Biodiversity  10. Conclusions and Policy Implications; Index


    Peck, Merton J.