1st Edition

Unlocking Small Business Ideas An Australian Guide

By John W English Copyright 2023
    184 Pages
    by Routledge

    184 Pages
    by Routledge

    An idea is the first step in the process of creating a business. Most ideas, no matter how brilliant they may seem, never actually end up becoming a business. This book explains how to:

    • Look for new small business ideas.
    • Evaluate ideas for their commercial potential.
    • Unlock the strategies that turn an idea into a business.

    English’s focus is on finding the seed of an idea and the process of developing it into a genuine business opportunity. He includes practical diagnostic ‘reality checks’ developed in his small business workshops. He also includes an analysis of changes in the Australian small business environment as result of Covid-19.

    This practical volume is ideal for any budding entrepreneur looking for guidance on how to evaluate a business opportunity and build a commercial strategy around it. It will also be an ideal secondary reading for books on entrepreneurship and small business courses.

    Introduction Part A Unlocking an Idea 1. Turning Ideas into Opportunities 2. Start-up Essentials 3. Getting Help Part B Unlocking a Marketing Strategy 4. Marketing Strategy 5. Traditional Marketing 6. Digital Marketing Part C Unlocking an Operating Strategy 7. Service Operations 8. Online Operations 9. Retail Operations 10. Manufacturing Operations Part D Unlocking a Financial Strategy 11. Money Management 12. Financing and Taxation. Appendix: Commercial Feasibility Rating


    John W. English brings together a lifetime of business insight as an academic, entrepreneur, and author. As Associate Professor in Entrepreneurship and Deputy Director in the Australian Innovation Research Centre at the University of Tasmania, he introduced undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in entrepreneurship and commercialisation. As a consultant to government agencies in Australia, New Zealand, and the United States, he conducted start-up workshops on how to assess new ideas for their commercial potential. He is the author of the bestselling book How to Organise and Operate a Small Business in Australia, now in its 11th edition.