1st Edition

Urban Movements in a Globalising World

Edited By Pierre Hamel, Henri Lustiger-Thaler, Margit Mayer Copyright 2000

    This collection deals with the transformation of urban movements in these new social, economic and political environments.

    Introduction: urban social movements—local thematics, global Spaces PART I Urban social movements: global impacts and the new urban Citizenship 1 New social movements, poor people’s movements and the struggle for social citizenship 2 The miniaturisation of collective action: ghettos and global space 3 Marginalisation and political responses in the French context PART II The urban economy in global context 4 Globalisation, entrepreneurial cities and the social economy 5 Local finance in a global economy: palliative or panacea? 6 Workfare and community economic development in Montreal: community and work in the late twentieth century PART III Urban social movements and the global future 7 Urban social movements in an era of globalization 8 The fragmentation of social movements and social justice: beyond the traditional forms of localism 9 Local citizens’ initiatives during the (East) German Transformation 10 The diversity of Eastern European social movements: urban movements, new social movements and nationalist movements in post-socialist societies


    Pierre Hamel is Professor of Urban Planning and Sociology at Université de Montréal; Henri Lustiger-Thaler is Chair of the Sociology Department of Ramapo College, New Jersey; and Margit Mayer is Professor of Political Science in the Department of Political Sciences and The Institute of American Studies at the Free University of Berlin.

    'Contributes to issues and debates that are central to social movement theory' - Greg Martin, Social Movement Studies