1st Edition

Using Data to Improve Student Learning in High Schools

By Victoria Bernhardt Copyright 2005
    320 Pages
    by Eye On Education

    320 Pages
    by Eye On Education

    This book helps you make sense of the data your school collects, including state student achievement results as well as other qualitative and quantitative data. Easy-to-use templates, tools, and examples are available on the accompanying downloadable resources. High stakes accountability requires that you develop your understanding of who your students are and how to get them where you want them to be.

    - What Data are Important to Gather
    - Getting Started on Data Analysis for Continuous School Improvement
    - Analyzing the Data: Who are We?
    - Analyzing the Data: How Do We Do Business
    - Analyzing the Data: What are Our Results?
    - Analyzing the Data: What are the Gaps? And What are the Causes of the Gaps?
    - Analyzing the Data: Implications for the Continuous School Improvement Plan
    - Analyzing the Data: Conclusions


    Victoria L. Bernhardt, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Education for the Future Initiative, a not-forprofit organization whose mission is to build the capacity of all schools at all levels to gather, analyze, and use data to continuously improve learning for all students. She is also a Professor in the Department of Professional Studies in Education, College of Communication and Education, at California State University, Chico, currently on leave. Dr. Bernhardt is the author of the following books: - A four-book collection of using data to improve student learning—Using Data to Improve Student Learning in Elementary Schools (2003); Using Data to Improve Student Learning in Middle Schools (2004); Using Data to Improve Student Learning in High Schools (2005); and Using Data to Improve Student Learning in School Districts (2005). Each book shows real analyses focused on one education organizational level and provides templates on an accompanying CD-Rom for leaders to use for gathering, graphing, and analyzing data in their own learning organizations.- Data Analysis for Continuous School Improvement (First Edition, 1998; Second Edition, 2004) helps learning organizations use data to determine where they are, where they want to be, and how to get there—sensibly, painlessly, and effectively.- The School Portfolio Toolkit: A Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation Guide for Continuous School Improvement, and CD-Rom (2002), is a compilation of over 500 examples, suggestions, activities, tools, strategies, and templates for producing school portfolios that will lead to continuous school improvement.- The Example School Portfolio (2000) shows what a completed school portfolio looks like and further supports schools in developing their own school portfolios.- Designing and Using Databases for School Improvement (2000) helps schools and districts think through the issues surrounding the creation and uses of databases established to achieve improved student learning.- The School Portfolio: A Comprehensive Framework for School Improvement (First Edition, 1994; Second Edition, 1999). This first book by the author assists schools with clarifying the purpose and vision of their learning organizations as they develop their school portfolios.Dr. Bernhardt is passionate about her mission of helping all educators continuously improve student learning in their classrooms, their schools, their districts, and states by gathering, analyzing, and using actual data—as opposed to using hunches and “gut-level” feelings. She has made numerous presentations at professional meetings and conducts workshops on the school portfolio, data analysis, data warehousing, and school improvement at local, state, regional, national and international levels.