1st Edition

Using the Internet as a Research Tool for Social Work and Human Services

By Goutham M Menon Copyright 2002
    156 Pages
    by CRC Press

    Researchers and instructors: examine ways to make the Internet work to your advantage!

    Using the Internet as a Research Tool for Social Work and Human Services examines the exciting benefits for social workers of using the Internet to facilitate their studies. By introducing various methodologies and insights, this book explains how the Web can be a valuable and legitimate form of research. This vital book examines the problems associated with studying virtual communities and cyber culture, and offers innovative ways to administer experiments by measuring response time over the Web.

    This informative book explores new and innovative trends in Internet research, including:

    • methodologies for data collection, sampling, and representation of the subjects
    • psychological testing and using the Internet for training
    • developing and deploying Internet studies by replacing traditionally administered questionnaires with online surveys
    • the use of technology to enhance the development of research skills of undergraduate-level multicultural mental health researchers

    • Using the Internet as a Tool for Research
    • The Internet: A Virtually Untapped Tool for Research
    • Present Day Use of the Internet for Survey-Based Research
    • Collecting Data via the Internet: The Development and Deployment of a Web-Based Survey
    • Methodological and Ethical Challenges of Researching a Computer-Mediated Group
    • Prospects and Limitations of Psychological Testing on the Internet
    • Walking Through the Fire: Integrating Technology to Enhance the Research Skills of Minority Mental Health Student Researchers
    • We?d Like to Ask You Some Questions, But We Have to Find You First: An Internet-Based Study of Lesbian Clients in Therapy with Lesbian Feminist Therapists
    • Problems and Promises in the Study of Virtual Communities
    • Kermitt: Conducting an Experiment on the Web
    • Index
    • Reference Notes Included


    Goutham M Menon