3rd Edition

V Puti: Student Activities Manual Russian Grammar in Context

    276 Pages 101 B/W Illustrations
    by Routledge

    276 Pages 101 B/W Illustrations
    by Routledge

    V Puti: Student Activities Manual is an integral part of the V Puti course and is designed for use alongside V Puti: Russian Grammar in Context. The structure matches the main textbook and provides a wealth of exercises and activities, either for class-use or homework. This third edition offers a wider variety of exercises and activities which incorporate more recent language pedagogies.


    This highly successful program assists in the development of learners’ listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills by presenting realistic settings, situations, and contexts. It consists of 12 chapters offering conversational exercises, various readings (biographies, poems, literature, and historical texts) and grammatical explanations and practice. All of these components reinforce Russian culture and history which enable students to understand the Russian language in context. The companion website to this course offers a wealth of resources and activities for both instructors and learners.


    The flexible, modular structure of the V Puti course is designed to meet the needs of a wide variety of Russian programs and learners at intermediate or advanced level.

    Глава́ 1. Давáйте познакóмимся!

    Глава́ 2. Студéнческая жизнь

    Глава́ 3. Всё о семьé

    Глава́ 4. Нау́чно-техни́ческий прогре́сс в на́шей жи́зни

    Глава́ 5. Дом, в котóром мы живём

    Глава́ 6. Что вы за человéк?

    Глава́ 7. Культу́ра: что́бы чита́ть по-ру́сски

    Глава́ 8. Вокру́г све́та

    Глава́ 9. Городскáя жизнь

    Глава́ 10. Прирóда и мы

    Глава́ 11. Прия́тного аппети́та!

    Глава́ 12. Чем мы увлека́емся? Спорт, литерату́ра, кино́ и телеви́дение,



    Anna Kudyma is Senior Lecturer in Russian and Ukrainian at the University of California, Los Angeles, USA. She is the author of the textbook Russian: From Novice High to Intermediate and co-author of several other titles, including the second edition of V Puti. She holds an MA in Russian language pedagogy and a Ph.D. in linguistics.


    Olga Kagan was Professor of Russian at UCLA, USA.


    Frank Miller was Professor of Russian at Columbia University, USA.


    Michael Lavery is Assistant Professor of Russian at the University of Maryland, College Park, USA. He is a co-author (with Anna Kudyma, Frank Miller, and Olga Kagan) of Beginner’s Russian.

    “The third edition of V Puti retains the structure and methodology of the immensely successful second edition yet also offers numerous enhancements. Among others, they include a more detailed description of learning goals for each chapter; updated themes and vocabulary (e.g., regarding cell phones, social media, and online streaming); an expanded representation of the Russian-speaking world; more adventurous student projects (e.g., videoblogs); and an improved sequencing of materials. In short, the third edition of V Puti will facilitate the rapid development of sophisticated language skills for all students of intermediate Russian.”

    David GasperettiProfessor Emeritus of Russian, University of Notre Dame, USA


    “Finally, we have the long-awaited new edition of V Puti: Russian Grammar in Context, a textbook that helped train many cohorts of American students in the 21st century. I applaud the authors’ effort to update the content by shifting focus from traditional central Russia to diverse Russian-speaking cultures in Russia and the diaspora. The textbook has preserved its original merits – a solid treatment of grammar combined with balanced development of the four language skills, now enhanced with new up-to-date vocabulary and a range of more task-oriented assignments.”

    Irina MikaelianTeaching Professor of Russian, The Pennsylvania State University, USA

    “The third edition of V Puti effectively integrates traditional language skills with digital communication practices, preparing learners for contemporary use of Russian through AI, texting, and email. It provides practical exercises tailored for real-world application and study abroad readiness. Reflecting the diversity of Russian speakers globally, the textbook offers a realistic view of the language's use in various contexts. The textbook is further enhanced by multimedia resources, supporting different learning style, and promoting proficiency. A commendable resource, it stands out for its commitment to equipping students with a genuinely applicable and culturally informed command of Russian.”

    Anna TumarkinTeaching Professor and Russian Language Program Director, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA

    “There is so much about this book that is excellent. Its focus on Russian daily life and culture-specific expressions is an effective way to develop intermediate skills while delving into Russian culture. The conversational tasks are easy to fulfill and provide ample opportunities for students to engage with their peers in class, making this textbook an invaluable classroom tool for both students and teachers. The grammar is learned through practical application in numerous textbook and student activity manual assignments. The inclusion of various text genres, such as social media, blogs, ads, and emails, helps foster reading and writing skills. 

    Yet, the most crucial aspect of this textbook is its ability to provide comprehensive core knowledge, particularly important for intermediate students. V Puti presents core vocabulary in an organized, context-rich format. The textbook's structure provides students with the guidance and momentum needed to establish a regular learning routine. By following a structured approach chapter by chapter, students can gradually build confidence in using the language independently. This textbook makes regular study feel manageable and realistic, offering something unique and beneficial for enthusiastic learners. Enjoy your journey!”

    Dr. Irina SixRussian Program Coordinator, University of Kansas, USA