1st Edition

Varieties of Women's Sensation Fiction, 1855-1890 Vol 1

    448 Pages
    by Routledge

    Five 'sensation' novels are here presented complete and fully reset, along with scholarly annotation, a bibliography of 'sensation' fiction and articles contributing to contemporary debate.

    VOLUME 1 SENSATIONALISM AND THE SENSATION DEBATE General Introduction; Contemporary Articles and Reviews; General Introduction Introduction Sensationalism and the Sensation Debate ‘The Enigma Novel’, Spectator (28 December 1861) [Margaret Oliphant], ‘Sensational Novels’, Blackwoods Edinburgh Magazine, 91 (May 1862) ‘The Philosophy Of “Sensation”’, St James’s Magazine, 5 (October 1862) ‘“Lady Audley”. On The Stage’, London Review (7 March 1863) [Henry Mansel], ‘Sensation Novels’, Quarterly Review, 113 (April 1863) ‘Mrs Wood And Miss Braddon’, Littell’s Living Age (18 April 1863) ‘Sensation’, The Literary Times (9 May 1863) ‘Sensation Novels’, Medical Critic And Pyschological Journal, 3 (1863) ‘Thackeray And Modern Fiction’, London Quarterly Review, 22 (July 1863) [Henrietta Keddie], ‘A Word of Remonstrance with some Novelists. By a Novelist’, Good Words, 4 (July 1863) ‘Sensation! A Satire’, Dublin University Magazine, 63 (January 1864) ‘The Sensational Williams’, All The Year Round (13 February 1864) ‘Our Female Sensation Novelists’, Christian Remembrancer, 46 (July 1864) [William Thomson], The Archbishop Of York On Works Of Fiction, The Times (2 November 1864) Editorials in response to the Archbishop Of York, The Times (3 and 4 November 1864) [Geraldine Jewsbury], ‘Our Library Table’, Athenaeum (3 December 1864) ‘Works Of Imagination in 1864’, Literary Gazette (14 January 1865) [‘B.’], ‘Sensational Literature’, The Christian Observer, 65 (November 1865) ‘Tigresses In Literature’, Spectator (10 March 1866) ‘Homicidal Heroines’, Saturday Review (7 April 1866) ‘Novels, Past And Present’, Saturday Review (14 April 1866) [John Richard de Capel Wise], ‘Belles Lettres’, Westminster Review, n.s. 30 (July 1866) 1 ‘Aunt Anastasia On Modern Novels’, Tinsley’s Magazine, 1 (1867) [Margaret Oliphant], ‘Novels’, Blackwoods Edinburgh Magazine, 102 (September 1867) ‘A Sermon Upon Novels’, London Review (14 September 1867) George Augustus Sala, ‘The Cant Of Modern Criticism’, Belgravia, 4 (November 1867) [Frederick Paget], ‘Afterword to Lucretia. The Heroine of the Nineteenth Century (1868) ‘Women’s Novels’, The Broadway, n.s. 1 (1868) ‘Peculiarities Of Some Female Novelists’, Pall Mall Gazette (13 January 1870) ‘Female Novelists Of The Period’, The Period (22 January 1870) ‘Literary Culture Of The Period’, The Period (19 February 1870) [E.B.], ‘The Sensation Novel’, The Argosy, 18 (1870) Alfred Austin, ‘Our Novels: The Sensational School’, Temple Bar, 29 (June 1870) William Alexander, Bishop of Derry, ‘Sensationalism’ in Six Sermons Preached on the Sundays after Easter (1874) ‘Modern Novels’, Cambridge Review, 2 (8 December, 1880) Bibliography of Sensation Fiction; Illustrations from Contemporary Publications


    Andrew Maunder, Sally Mitchell, Tamar Heller, Mark Knight, Graham Law