512 Pages
    by Routledge

    This eight-volume, reset edition in two parts collects rare primary sources on Victorian science, literature and culture. The sources cover both scientific writing that has an aesthetic component – what might be called 'the literature of science' – and more overtly literary texts that deal with scientific matters.

    PART II Volume 8 Marginal and Occult Sciences Introduction Phrenology: John Yelloly, ‘A Letter from Charles Villiers to George Cuvier’ (1802) Johann Spurzheim, ‘Dr Spurzheim’s Lectures on Physiognomy and the Physiology of the Brain’ (1814–15) George Combe, Elements of Phrenology (1824) [Daniel Noble], True and False Phrenology (1840) George Henry Lewes, ‘Eighth Epoch: Psychology Finally Recognized as a Branch of Biology – the Phrenological Hypothesis’ (1867) Mesmerism: The Lancet on John Elliotson ‘University College Hospital: Abstract of a Clinical Lecture by Dr Elliotson, on Remarkable Cases of Sleep Waking, and on the Effects of Animal Magnetism on Patients with Nervous Affections’ (1837) ‘University College Hospital: Animal Magnetism’ (1838) Harriet Martineau, ‘On Mesmerism’ (1844) ‘Prospectus’, Zoist (1843) Edmund Gurney, ‘The Stages of Hypnotism’ (1884) Spiritualism: Robert Dale Owen, Footfalls on the Boundary of Another World (1860) John Tyndall, ‘Science and the Spirits’ (1864), from Fragments of Science (1872) Rev. Charles Maurice Davies, ‘A Shilling Séance’, in Unorthodox London (1873) William Henry Harrison, ‘Spiritualism’ (1873) Alfred Russel Wallace, ‘A Defence of Modern Spiritualism’ (1874) ‘The Spiritualists at Bow Street’ (1876) Jean-Martin Charcot, ‘Spiritualism and Hysteria’ (1889) Psychical Research: Edward Cox, The Province of Psychology (1875) Society for Pyschical Research, ‘Objects of the Society’ (1882) Society for Pyschical Research, ‘Report of the Literary Committee’ (1882) Frederic W. H. Myers, Science and a Future Life (1893) Sir William F. Barrett, ‘Psychical Research’ (1891) ‘Spookical Research’ (1886) Occultism: Annie Besant, Why I Became a Theosophist (1891) William Thomas Stead, ‘How We Intend to Study Borderland’ (1893) Arthur Edward Waite, ‘In the Beginning’ and ‘The Threefold Division of Mysticism’ (1894) Arthur Edward Waite, ‘What is Alchemy?’ (1894) Eliphas Levi, Transcendental Magic, its Doctrine and Ritual (1896) William James, ‘A Suggestion about Mysticism’ (1910) Fantastic Topographies: Flat Earth ‘Parallax’ [Samuel Birley Rowbotham], Zetetic Astronomy (1865; 1873) ‘Common Sense’ [William Carpenter], Theoretical Astronomy Examined and Exposed (1864–6) The Fourth Dimension: Johann C. F. Zöllner, ‘On Space of Four Dimensions’ (1878) ‘I Awoke!’: Conditions of Life on the Other Side Communicated by Automatic Writing (1895) Charles Howard Hinton, What is the Fourth Dimension? (1897) Hollow Earth and Lost Worlds: Symmes’s Theory of Concentric Spheres, Demonstrating that the Earth is Hollow, Habitable Within, and Widely Open about the Poles (1826) Ignatius Donnelly, ‘The Purpose of this Book’, in Atlantis: The Antediluvian World (1882) William Scott-Elliott, ‘Description of Lemurian Man’ (1904) Editorial Notes Index


    Gowan Dawson, Bernard Lightman, Claire Brock, Marwa Elsharky, Sujit Sivasundaram, Raplh O'Connor, Roger Luckhurst, Justin Suasman