1st Edition

Water for Western Agriculture

By Michael Denning Copyright 1982
    258 Pages
    by Routledge

    258 Pages
    by Routledge

    This title, originally published in 1982, examines the importance of western irrigation to U.S. agriculture and the impacts of the changing water supply situation on the development of western irrigation. Past trends, water supply conditions, water institutions, economic forces, technological alternatives, and environmental factors are examined for their impacts on the course of western irrigation. Water for Western Agriculture will be of particular interest for students studying environmental issues.

    Preface;  Acknowledgements;  1. Introduction  2. The Role of Irrigation;  Appendix 2-A Irrigation Data Problems;  Appendix 2-B Derivation of Irrigated and Dryland Production and Yield Data;  Appendix 2-C The Components of National Crop Production Increases;  3. Water as a Constraint of Water Irrigation  4. Water laws and Institutions  5. The Changing Costs of Irrigation  6. Environmental Impacts of irrigated Agriculture  7. Summary and Conclusions;  Index


    Kenneth D. Frederick