1st Edition

Whore Biographies, 1700-1825, Part II vol 5

By Julie Peakman Copyright 2007
    482 Pages
    by Routledge

    Across eight volumes, this two-part collection of selected texts focuses on autobiographies and biographies of courtesans, directories of whores, erotic poems dedicated to harlots, jocular descriptions of prostitutes and jest books on strumpets.

    Volume 5: General Introduction Characters of the Present Most Celebrated Courtezans (1780) Mr Thompson, The Female Amazon, or a Genuine Account of … Miss Fanny Davies (1786) The Woman of the Town; or, Authentic Memoirs of Phebe Philips (1801) Secret Memoirs of Miss Sally Dawson ([1805]) A Curious and Interesting Narrative of Poll House and the Marquis of C****** ([1820]) The Memoirs of the Celebrated Lady C*****m ([1820]) Edward Eglantine, Memoirs of the Life of the Celebrated Mrs. Q------ ([1822])


    Julie Peakman