1st Edition

Wolfhart Heinrichs' Essays and Articles on Arabic Literature Two Volume Set

    852 Pages 2 B/W Illustrations
    by Routledge

    Wolfhart Heinrichs’ Essays and Articles on Arabic Literature showcases a great number of Heinrichsʼ writings in two volumes on his central field of research on Arabic literature, Semitic Studies, and Islamic Jurisprudence. 

    Wolfhart Heinrichs (1941-2014) was James Richard Jewett Professor of Arabic at Harvard University. He is remembered as a significant adviser to Fuat Sezginʼs fundamental Geschichte des arabischen Schrifttums, and as an editor of and contributor to the Encyclopaedia of Islam, Second edition, and, most importantly, as an author of many independent studies on Arabic literature, many of them ground-breaking in the history of Arabic philology. He is also known for his studies on Semitic Linguistics and Islamic Jurisprudence.

    Both volumes collect relevant bibliographical data, offer an introductory essay on the author by his distinguished student, Michael Cooperson (UCLA), and provide a selection of Wolfhart Heinrichs’ essays surrounding particular themes. The first volume looks at poetry and rhetoric, and their indigenous theories and terminologies. The second volume includes writings on Arabic literature, Semitic Studies, and Islamic Jurisprudence.

    The two volumes will appeal to students and researchers in the field of Arabic and Islamic Studies, and particularly to those interested in Arabic literature.

    Volume 1 - General Issues, Terms:

    Frontispiece (The Scholar as a Young Man)

    Foreword by Michael Cooperson

    Introductory Editor Remarks


    General issues




    The Classification of the Sciences and the Consolidation of Philology in Classical Islam

    Literary Theory

    Poetik, Rhetorik, Literaturkritik, Metrik und Reimlehre von Wolfhart Heinrichs, Cambridge (Mass.)

    Rhetorical Figures

    Klassisch-arabische Theorien dichterischer Rede

    Prosimetrical Genres in Classical Arabic Literature

    Die altarabische Qaṣīde als Dichtkunst

    Authority in Arabic Poetry

    “Manierismus” in der Arabischen Literatur

    Obscurity in Classical Arabic Poetry

    Modes of Existence of the Poetry in the Arabian Nights

    Early Ornate Prose and the Rhetorization of Poetry in Arabic Literature




    Istiʿārah and Badīʿ and their Terminological Relationship in Early Arabic Literary Criticism

    Paired Metaphors in Muḥdath Poetry

    On the Genesis of the Haqîqa-Majâz Dichotomy

    “Takhyīl” and its Traditions

    Rose vs. Narcissus Observations on an Arabic Literary Debate   


    Index of Classical Authors and Key Terms

    Volume 2: Authors, Semitic Studies, and Islamic Jurisprudence

    Frontispiece (The Scholar as a Young Man)

    Foreword by Michael Cooperson

    Introductory Editor Remarks



    Ta`abbaṭa Sharran, Goethe, Shākir

    Scherzhafter badīʿ bei Abū Nuwās

    Muslim b. al-Walīd und badīʿ

    Ibn al-Muʿtazz

    Dead Garments, Poor Nobles, and a Handsome Youth: Notes on a Poem by al-Ṣanawbarī

    The Meaning of Mutanabbī

    Al-Ǧauharīs Metrik

    Der Teil und das Ganze: Die Autoanthologie Ṣafī Al-Dīn Al-Ḥillīs

    ʿAbd al-Raḥīm al-ʿAbbāsī (al-Sayyid ʿAbd al-Raḥīm)


    Semitic Studies, Arabic Linguistics

    Studies in Neo-Aramaic (Introduction)

    Peculiarities of the Verbal System of Senāya within the Framework of Northeastern Neo-Aramaic (NENA)

    The Modern Assyrians – Name and Nation

    A South-Arabian Bronze Vessel

    Ibn Khaldūn as a Historical Linguist with an Excursus on the Question of Ancient gāf

    The Beginnings of Caseless Arabic

    The Etymology of Muqarnas: Some Observations


    Jurisprudence, Juridical Rhetorics

    On the Figurative (majâz) in Muslim interpretation and legal hermeneutics

    Qawāʿid as a Genreof Legal Literature

    Structuring the Law: Remarks on the Furūq Literature

    “Genres” in the Kitāb al-Luqta of Ibn Rushd´s Bidāyat Al-Mujtahid Wa-Nihāyat Al-Muqtaṣid

    Ǧadal bei aṭ-Ṭūfī: Eine Interpretation seiner Beispielsammlung

    Naǧm al-Dīn al-Ṭūfī on the Incorrect Reading of the Fātiḥa and Other Thought Experiments


    Index of Classical Authors and Works


     Hinrich Biesterfeldt is a retired Professor of Arabic and Islamic Studies at Ruhr University Bochum, Germany. He received his PhD in 1970 in Göttingen. He is the author of books and articles on Arabic literature and the history of the sciences in Islam. Together with Sebastian Günther, he is the editor of the series Islamic History and Civilization.

    Alma Giese is an Arabist who received her PhD in 1980 in Giessen, Germany, a translator of numerous works from classical Arabic literature into German, and the widow of Wolfhart Heinrichs.

    "Like dear members of a dispersed tribe gathered again; like precious stray camels rounded up; like scattered lustrous pearls strung at last: here, in this treasure trove, are brought together many matchless studies, the opera minora of a major scholar, Wolfhart Heinrichs, whose learning is as deep as it is wide, ranging from Arabic poetics, poetry, and poets to Muslim jurisprudence and Semitic linguistics."

    Geert Jan, retired Laudian Professor of Arabic, Oxford University.

    "With these seminal and incisive articles, Wolfhart Heinrichs played a major role in the late twentieth century renaissance in the study of classical Arabic poetry and poetics. They showcase his mastery of the Arabic literary critical tradition, his command of the rhetoric and architectonics of the qasida, and his keen sense of aesthetics. Heinrichs reminds us that Arabic poetry and poetics did not exist in an intellectual vacuum but were coterminous and contiguous with trends and development in disciplines such as law and theology."

    James E. Montgomery, Sir Thomas Adams´s Professor of Arabic, Cambridge University.