1st Edition

Women Writing Home, 1700-1920 Vol 6 Female Correspondence Across the British Empire

    312 Pages
    by Routledge

    Assembles a range of women's letters from the former British Empire. These letters 'written home' are not only historical sources; they are also representations of the state of the Empire in far-off lands sent home to Britain and, occasionally, other centres established as 'home'.

    Volume 6 USA: Introduction Part I: Domestic Concerns and Familial Connections Sarah Cary, West Indies and Massachusetts, 1779–1824 Elizabeth Farmar, Philadelphia, 1774–89 Part II: Political Perspectives: Loyalist and Patriot Anne Hulton, Boston, 1767–76 Esther de Berdt Reed, Philadelphia, 1770–80 Part III: Social Concerns and Advocacy Mary Anne Estlin, Boston and New York, 1868


    Klaus Stierstorfer, Deirdre Coleman, Cecily Devereux, Susan Clair Imbarrato, Charlotte J. Macdonald