322 Pages
    by Routledge

    First published in 1956, World Sea Fisheries gives a general survey of the sea fisheries of the world. It assesses their relative importance at a time when the growing world population placed an increasing strain on food supplies. It examines the forces which mould the character of sea fisheries in any region. As the book attempts to explain the basic reasons for their varying characters, its regional section is preceded by sections dealing with the physical factors affecting fisheries, and with fishing techniques and craft. The author gives chief attention to certain essential features of an area by giving the reader a more accessible source of important figures and isolating most significant features and trends from the mass of detailed and complex statistics provided by many countries. The volume also contains several maps. It will be a fascinating read for students and researchers of economic geography and general readers interested in the topic as it gives a rare glimpse into the fishing industry that existed almost seventy years ago.

    Introduction Section 1. The Physical Environment  1. The Plankton Pasturage  2. The Fishery Production and Potential of the World  3. Economically Important Types of Sea-Fish  4. The Influence of the Type of Coastal Zone  Section 2. Techniques and their World Distribution  5. Fishing Methods and Craft as Responses to Environment  6. Demersal Fishing Methods and Craft  7. Pelagic Fishing Methods and Craft  8. Processing and Transport Methods, and Ancillary Industries  9. Fishing Communities and Ports  Section 3. Fisheries of the World’s Regions  10. Standards for Comparative Study  11. Asian Regions  12. European Regions  13. North American Regions  14. African Regions  15. South and Central American Regions  16. Australasia and the Pacific Islands  17. The Southern Ocean Whaling Region  18. Changing Aspects of Fisheries 


    Robert Morgan, Ph.D.

    Reviews of the first publication:

    “Now, for the first time, somebody has had the courage and the enthusiasm to make a comprehensive world survey of the fishing industry. How brilliantly Mr. Morgan has achieved his object! … —a handy sized volume that one can sit down and read with real interest and enjoyment.”

    The Journal of Navigation

    “This is a valuable book and should be a welcome addition to any geography library. It is a must for those interested in conducting fishery studies.”

    Scottish Geographical Magazine

    “…World Sea Fisheries is an excellent, exhaustive source of information about the much over-looked and therefore little appreciated commercial fishing industry.”

    — Richard J. Houk, Economic Geography