1st Edition

Writings on Travel, Discovery and History by Daniel Defoe, Part I Vol 3

    390 Pages
    by Routledge

    This collection of Daniel Defoe's travel and historical writings reveal the range of his intellectual interests. His "Tour thro' the Whole Island of Great Britain", which came out between 1724 and 1726, drew on Defoe's travels throughout England and Scotland - often as a political agent and spy.

    Volume 3: A Tour thro’ the Whole Island of Great Britain, vol. III Preface Introduction Letter I Letter II Letter III Introduction to the Account and Description of Scotland Letter IV Letter V 181 Letter VI An Index of the Principal Matters in the First Part of the Third Volume, Relating to England Only An Index of the Second Part of the Third Volume, and of the Part Relating to Scotland Only Explanatory notes Textual notes


    W R Owens, P. N. Furbank, D.W. Hayton, N.H. Keeble, John McVeagh, Andrew Wear