Laurie A Buonanno Author of Evaluating Organization Development

Laurie A Buonanno

SUNY Buffalo State

I write about governance in the European Union, European policies, migration policy, identity, and federalism (including public administration). I am a professor at SUNY Buffalo State in the Department of Political Science & Public Administration where I teach in our BA and MPA programs. As Director of the Institute for European Union Studies at SUNY, I facilitate a network of scholar-teachers promoting knowledge and understanding of the European Union throughout New York State.

Subjects: Political Science


In Policies and Polices Processes of the European Union (2013, 2020 - 2nd edition)  my co-author (Neill Nugent) and I examine the dynamic and complex system of European Union policymaking.  Among other subjects, we consider the nature and evolution of the EU policy portfolio through a conceptual lens we call "federal integration."  In the 2nd edition, we provide extensive analysis of the many crises facing the EU, and their implications.  

In The New and Changing Transatlanticism (2015), my co-editors and I curate a collection of essays on the eve of US-EU negotiations for a Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).  While one of the Trump Administration's first acts was to pull out of these talks, this book provides important  (and still timely) lessons for the Biden Administration and von der Leyen's European Commission with respect to the feasibility of compromise and cooperation in key areas of mutual interest.

In the Routledge Handbook of European Public Policy (2018), which I co-edited with Nikolaos Zahariadis, we bring together leading experts of policymaking in the European Union to explore major concepts, trends, methodologies, and substantive public policies.

In Remembering Italian America: Memory, Migration, Identity, which I co-authored with my brother, Michael, we examine the life of Italians in the United States and the role of migration and collective memory in the history of the construction of Italian American identity. Employing the concept of communicative memory, we explain the processes that gave shape to Italian identity in America and the ways in which a symbolic identity became concretized in Italian American oral histories. Our book explores the Italy migrants left behind, transatlantic networks, the welcome received by the Italian newcomers, the socioeconomic fabric of Italian America, and the singular worldview that grew out of the immigrant experience. In exploring the role of memory in the construction of Italian American identity, we analyze the commonalities in the lives of immigrants, allowing the Italian American experience to speak to the circumstances of newer immigrant communities and allowing these new immigrant communities to speak to the Italian migrant history. Looking at Italian American culture from a multidisciplinary perspective, this volume brings various theoretical perspectives to bear on "what, why, and how" questions concerning the Italian American experience.


    PhD The Johns Hopkins University

Areas of Research / Professional Expertise

    The European Union, migration and identity, federalist theory


Featured Title
 Featured Title - Remembering Italian America - 1st Edition book cover


Remembering Italian America - Webinar

By: Laurie A Buonanno

The authors present Remembering italian American in the Italian American Studies Association webinar series - June 10, 2021.