Robert Karlton Conyne Author of Evaluating Organization Development

Robert Karlton Conyne

Professor Emeritus
University of Cincinnati

Hello, I am a counseling psychologist and counselor educator, retired from the University of Cincinnati, but remaining active as a consultant and author, focused on prevention, group work, and ecological counseling. I provide preventive mental health services to U.S. military personnel when not writing, and at "rest" travel and hang out at my Canadian cottage with my wife.


Robert K. Conyne, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus from the University of Cincinnati (UC), is a Licensed Psychologist, Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor and Fellow of the Association for Specialists in Group Work (ASGW) and the American Psychological Association. He compiled 36 years of professional experience, mostly at UC but, also, at Illinois State University, as a University Professor and Department Head, counselor, administrator, consultant, and trainer.  During 2013-14, Bob served an invited position as the Boeing-William M. Allen Endowed Chair & Distinguished Professor at Seattle University.  Bob has received many awards, including Eminent Career Award from the ASGW; Lifetime Achievement Award in Prevention, Society of Counseling Psychology of the APA; Distinguished Alumni Award of Distinction from Purdue University, and a Soros International Scholar.  He was President of the APA’s Division of Group Psychology and Group Psychotherapy and also of the ACA’s Association for Specialists in Group Work.  With over 200 scholarly publications and presentations including some 21 books in his areas of expertise (group work, prevention, and ecological counseling), along with broad international consultation in these areas—most recently with U.S. military personnel and their families,  Bob is recognized as an expert in working with people and systems. With colleague (and wife), Lynn S. Rapin, Ph.D., he also helps people plan and prepare psychologically for life transitions, such as an upcoming retirement, using the holistic approach they developed, “Charting Your Personal Future."  When not working, Bob and Lynn—as often as possible with their children Suzanne (married to Pete) and Zack, can be found traveling or enjoying life at their Northern Ontario cottage.


    A.B., Syracuse University; M.S., Ph.D., Purdue University.

Areas of Research / Professional Expertise

    Prevention, wellness, group work, ecological counseling.

Personal Interests

    Running, bicycling, boating, writing, reading, yoga, "cottaging."



Featured Title
 Featured Title - Counseling for Wellness and Prevention - 1st Edition book cover


Presenting at APA

By: Robert Karlton Conyne

I will be presenting with colleagues on two programs at the American Psychological Association convention in Toronto this August. One presentation is drawn from an upcoming book chapter on preventing school shootings that will appear in the Cambridge International Handbook of Prevention Science; the other addresses community-based prevention programming, drawing from my recent book with Routledge, Counseling for Wellness and Prevention:  Helping People become Empowered in Systems and Settings (2015, 3rd ed.) and from my previous books in prevention program development and evaluation.

Maybe meet you there?

