Louise  Ryan Author of Evaluating Organization Development

Louise Ryan

Professor of Sociology
Middlesex University

Louise Ryan has a PhD in Sociology from University College Cork. For more than a decade she has been researching intra-EU migration with a particular focus on London. She has published many highly cited papers on migrant social networks and on research methods. Her recent books include: Migrant Capital (co-edited with Erel and D'Angelo, Palgrave, 2015) and An End to the Crisis of Empirical Sociology? (co-edited with Linda McKie, Routledge, 2016)

Subjects: Sociology


In 2015 I became a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences
I am a trustee of the British Sociological Association
In 2014 I was elected chair of the editorial board of the journal Sociology - published by Sage.
I am series editor of Sociological Futures published by Routledge

Over the last decade I have established a growing reputation as a leading scholar in migration research. I have published several highly cited papers on migrant social networks in Sociology and Sociological Review.
I have a successful track record in achieving research grants from a range of sources including; ESRC grants (4), FP7, charities, local authorities, third sector organisations.
I have a proven track record in managing research teams, developing innovative research projects and organising successful and wide reaching dissemination events to enhance impact.


    1992 PhD National University of Ireland

Areas of Research / Professional Expertise

    Migration - Intra EU migration, highly skilled migration, labour migration, family reunion
    Social Networks
    Mixed Methods
    Reflexivity in the research process
    Narrative analysis
    mapping social networks using visual images
    Educational inequalities
    Migrant children in British schools
    Young people at risk of becoming NEET


Featured Title
 Featured Title - An End to the Crisis of Empirical Sociology? - McKie & Ryan - 1st Edition book cover