Charles Edward Goslin Author of Evaluating Organization Development

Charles Edward Goslin

Security and Intelligence Consultant

Charles draws on 35+ years of experience working in the international security, intelligence, foreign affairs and business arena. He is a retired CIA operations officer and veteran of U.S. Army Intelligence, with a long career living and working abroad. Charles is an acknowledged authority on international terrorism and radicalization, and lectures on this and related topics at professional conferences and universities.


Charles E. Goslin is a retired Central Intelligence  Agency operations officer who served throughout
the world in a career that bridged both covert technical and human intelligence operations. He continues actively consulting in retirement on international intelligence, security, and risk challenges faced by multinational corporations operating in some of the world’s most hostile regions.  Charles’  experience offers unique value for the business traveler that must, out of necessity, venture into “Indian country.”  His perspective is one drawn from years working in the trenches of the third world, rather than the relative comfort of a Washington office.

Charles has authored and published numerous white papers on the security threat and business risk, and is an acknowledged expert in the area of terrorism and radicalization.  He lectures regularly at universities and business groups on this, and other security and intelligence-related topics.  Charles has worked abroad in India, Africa, Central and South America, Europe, and the Middle East with personal extensive experience in crisis management and evacuation of facilities and personnel on numerous occasions.   His expertise has been solicited by national media, both broadcast and print.


    B.A., University of Texas at Pan American, 1981

Areas of Research / Professional Expertise

    Personal Security (Programs, Techniques and Training), Terrorism and Radicalization, Intelligence and Counterintelligence Programs and Analysis, Security and Business Risk, Threat Assessment and Analysis for Multinational Enterprise, Security Program Development and Management.

Personal Interests

    Writing (professional and fiction), genealogy, fly fishing, and travel.



Featured Title
 Featured Title - Understanding Personal Security & Risk: A Guide for Business - 1st Edition book cover


Butchko, Inc.

The Russians are Coming? Why Attention to Cyber Defense is more critical than..

Published: Jan 09, 2017 by Butchko, Inc.
Authors: Charles E. Goslin
Subjects: Information Technology, Homeland Security

The new-found “Red Scare” arising from the revelation of Russian-government directed cyber attacks against the U.S., reminds me of a wonderful line from the movie “Casablanca.” Captain Renault, a reluctant Vichy-police official with rather flexible views on the vice of gambling, is pressured by the Nazi’s to find any pretext to close down “Rick’s American Café.”

Butchko, Inc.

A Forensic Risk Assessment of Machu Picchu

Published: Dec 01, 2016 by Butchko, Inc.
Authors: Charles E. Goslin
Subjects: Ergonomics & Human Factors, Engineering - General, Disaster Planning & Recovery

In the high mists of the Peruvian jungle is an elegant testament to the effectiveness of carefully layered physical security design principles. It has stood the test of time, the elements, and – most importantly – the Spanish Conquistadores. It is the Incan citadel known as Machu Picchu (translated “old mountain”), located deep in the Cordillera Vilcabamba, on the eastern slopes of the Andes mountains.

Butchko, Inc.

In Emergency Preparedness, Timing is Everything

Published: Oct 18, 2016 by Butchko, Inc.
Authors: Charles E. Goslin
Subjects: Emergency Response, Disaster Planning & Recovery , Homeland Security

Closing and locking the barn door does not make very much sense if the horses have already bolted. That bit of farm-life wisdom illustrates our point for today – the importance of timing when developing emergency safety and security plans. The operative word when it comes to emergency preparations is…“emergency.”

Butchko, Inc.

The Risk of Cascading Events

Published: Oct 05, 2016 by Butchko, Inc.
Authors: Charles E. Goslin
Subjects: Emergency Response, Disaster Planning & Recovery , Homeland Security

The recent unrest in Charlotte, North Carolina brings to mind and old adage: ‘for want of a nail, the shoe was lost; for want of a shoe, the horse was lost; for want of a horse, the rider was lost; for want of a rider, the battle and a country was lost.’ This saying decribes what is known as a threat cascade...

Butchko, Inc.

Risk: The first principle of value in Security

Published: Feb 23, 2016 by Butchko, Inc.
Authors: Charles E. Goslin
Subjects: Engineering - General, Emergency Response, Disaster Planning & Recovery , Homeland Security, Business & Management

When security budgets are lean, the first question that security leaders should ask themselves is this: does the actual risk at a facility merit the expense? Certainly “standard of care” and appropriate local codes and standards must be built into facilities. However, asking, “should I do more?” is critical when managing a very limited budget.

Butchko, Inc.

Soft Targets and the invisible veterans in our midst

Published: Dec 22, 2015 by Butchko, Inc.
Authors: Charles E. Goslin
Subjects: Emergency Response, Disaster Planning & Recovery , Homeland Security

We are used to seeing our beloved veterans returning home from war. Tearful reunions with family, friends, and loved ones in the airport. They come back to a grateful nation, VA benefits, and lifelong support – as it should be. But there is another kind of veteran returning from war that we don’t see, and he may pose a deadly threat to our country.

Butchko, Inc.

Shopping Malls? Take the threat seriously, they are in the terrorist playbook

Published: Feb 25, 2015 by Butchko, Inc.
Authors: Charles E. Goslin
Subjects: Emergency Response, Disaster Planning & Recovery , Homeland Security

When it comes to the next terrorist attack, you can bet on one thing: It probably will not happen at the Mall of the Americas, London’s Oxford Street or Canada’s West Edmonton shopping complex. These venues are on high security alert after this weekend’s threat issued by the Al-Qaida affiliated Somali terrorist group Al Shabab. The physical security countermeasures and incident response plans were on full display on all the television networks and they were impressive...

Butchko, Inc.

Critical Analysis of Pipeline Safety and Security in Mexico

Published: Nov 06, 2014 by Butchko, Inc.
Authors: Charles E. Goslin
Subjects: Engineering - Environmental, Emergency Response, Occupational Health & Safety, Disaster Planning & Recovery , Energy & Clean Technology

When it comes to pipeline safety and security, our two neighbors provide an interesting and illustrative contrast. To our north, Canada’s oil and gas industry’s safety and security standards, with regards to pipelines, mirror and even surpass those of the U.S. The oil and gas sector is privately owned and operated and government’s involvement, though substantial, is limited to necessary oversight and regulation....Our southern neighbor, Mexico, tells a different story.

Butchko, Inc.

Security Risk: the missing ingredient in Pipeline Integrity Management

Published: Oct 07, 2014 by Butchko, Inc.
Authors: Charles E. Goslin
Subjects: Emergency Response, Disaster Planning & Recovery , Homeland Security, Energy & Clean Technology

“When it comes to pipelines, security is today where corrosion was 20 years ago.” This candid assessment, from Phillip Nidd, Vice President of Operations at Dynamic Risk USA, really distilled our impressions and understanding of security’s role at the 29 September – 3 October 2014 International Pipeline Conference in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Butchko, Inc.

Threat-led Risk

Published: Sep 11, 2014 by Butchko, Inc.
Authors: Charles E. Goslin
Subjects: Emergency Response, Disaster Planning & Recovery , Homeland Security

Threat is the “fissile material” needed to activate the individual components of asset, vulnerability, impact, consequence, and likelihood in the calculation of risk. It is threat that initiates the sequence of relationships and events that, together, combine to elevate or lower risk. It is important to understand threat in this context because all too often the element of threat is minimized or abstracted when security assessments are done. Why?



Interview about North Korea, and Personal Security on EFN Network

Published: Aug 10, 2017

Appearance and interview by EFN (Energy Flow Network) about my book and also the political situation with North Korea.