Penny  Norton Author of Evaluating Organization Development

Penny Norton

PNPR Limited

Penny Norton is the founder and director of PR consultancy PNPR and of ConsultOnline, a comprehensive online service designed specifically for use in consultations on planning applications. Penny has substantial experience of public relations and public affairs within property, construction and regeneration and has written extensively on the subjects of consultation and community relations.


Penny Norton MA FCIPR Dip CIPR Found. Chart. PR is a consultation specialist with wide-ranging experience of public relations and public affairs within property, construction and regeneration.  

Penny has worked with many leading developers including property companies, consultancies, commercial property, and both private and social housing.  Her clients have included British Land, Broadgate Estates, Carter Jonas, CBRE, Next, More London, Sainsbury’s Supermarkets, Capital Shopping Centres and Essential Living.  She has also worked extensively with leading architects and designers.  

Penny’s work makes pioneering use of social media and web-based communications.   Her online consultations for Bayfordbury Estates, Next, O&H Properties, Scotch Corner Designer Village, Essential Living and Essential Land have met with substantial approval from local authorities and local communities alike and have resulted in planning consents being granted for contentious schemes.

Penny has written extensively on the subject of consultation for property publications and has recently completed Public Consultation and Community Involvement in Planning: a twenty-first century guide.

She has a masters qualification in business administration and a postgraduate diploma in PR. She is a Fellow and a Founder Chartered Member of the CIPR.

Areas of Research / Professional Expertise

    Consultation and communication in property development



Featured Title
 Featured Title - Public Consultation Community Involvement - Norton - 1st Edition book cover


Facilities Management

Developing good community relations

Published: Sep 01, 2015 by Facilities Management
Authors: Penny Norton
Subjects: Urban Planning, Communications Studies

Penny Norton considers the benefits of online communication with local residents when constructing or refurbishing commercial premises.

Planning in London

New approaches to public consultation

Published: Jul 01, 2015 by Planning in London
Authors: Penny Norton
Subjects: Urban Planning, Communications Studies

What is the future of online consultation and can it deliver best practice?

Construction Manager

A project website can compete with Google

Published: Jun 23, 2015 by Construction Manager
Authors: Penny Norton
Subjects: Urban Planning, Communications Studies

A project website could be the best way to engage with hard-to-reach residents.


Community relations during construction

Published: Jun 15, 2015 by Building4Education
Authors: Penny Norton
Subjects: Urban Planning, Communications Studies

Penny Norton extols the benefits of a community relations website.

Housebuilder and Developer

21st century community involvement

Published: Jun 06, 2015 by Housebuilder and Developer
Authors: Penny Norton
Subjects: Urban Planning, Communications Studies

From the first planning meeting to the placing of the last brick, property development relies heavily on positive communication with the local community. But as the way in which people communicate changes, Penny Norton, director of ConsultOnline asks is the development community keeping up to speed, and are we making the most of the benefits that online communication offers?

The Planner

Online consultation is changing the game

Published: Jun 06, 2015 by The Planner
Authors: Penny Norton
Subjects: Urban Planning, Communications Studies

The legal obligation to consult on a planning application has existed for many years, yet 12% planning applications are delayed or rejected because of inadequate public consultation. So what are the issues affecting consultation and how can they be overcome?

Public Sector Build Journal

Online consultation

Published: Jun 06, 2015 by Public Sector Build Journal
Authors: Penny Norton
Subjects: Urban Planning, Communications Studies

Despite Localism, despite the NPPF and despite hours spent in pre-app meetings, 12% planning applications fail because of issues related to public consultation, explains Penny Norton, Director of ConsultOnline.

Hotel Industry Magazine

Achieving Planning Success in the 21st Century

Published: May 27, 2015 by Hotel Industry Magazine
Authors: Penny Norton
Subjects: Urban Planning, Communications Studies

Planning permission will break any potential hotel development but is widely recognised as being a bit of a minefield – perhaps more so than ever now public consultation is required for the majority of planning applications.