Clovis  Semmes Author of Evaluating Organization Development

Clovis Semmes

Professor Emeritus of African American Studies
Eastern Michigan University

Dr. Semmes is currently an independent scholar, consultant, and lecturer. He is formerly Director of Black Studies and Professor of Black Studies and Sociology, University of Missouri-Kansas City.

Subjects: Area Studies


As a professor Dr. Semmes earned awards for teaching, scholarship, and service to students.  He is a recipient of a National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship.  Among his publications are Cultural Hegemony and African American Development, which received a Choice award as an outstanding academic book; Racism, Health, and Post-Industrialism; Roots of Afrocentric Thought: A Reference Guide to Negro Digest/Black World, 1961-1976; and The Regal Theater and Black Culture.  Semmes’s featured Routledge publication, The End of Black Studies:  Conceptual, Theoretical, and Empirical Concerns, earned the 2017 Anna Julia Cooper & C.L.R. James Award For Outstanding Scholarly Publication in Africana Studies from the National Council for Black Studies.


    Ph.D. Northwestern University, 1978

Areas of Research / Professional Expertise

    Dr. Semmes’s areas of specialization are African American institutions, culture, and social Movements; African American popular and expressive culture; health systems and health behavior; alternative and nonmedical health practices; systemic inequality; comparative urban communities.  His current research examines the critical role of a theatrical workforce in Black community development.

Personal Interests

    Alternative health and healing techniques, lifestyle and health, and community and institutional development.


Featured Title
 Featured Title - The End of Black Studies - 1st Edition book cover