Lee  Rodney Author of Evaluating Organization Development

Lee Rodney

Associate Professor, Media Art History/Visual Culture
University of Windsor

I work as an interdisciplinary writer/curator interested in border cultures in the Americas, the relationship between media and migration as well as alternative practices of mapping.


I work as Associate Professor of Media Art Histories and Visual Culture, School of Creative Arts at the University of Windsor, Canada.  Our university is situated directly on the Canada-U.S. border, across the river from the city of Detroit, Michigan.   Here I hold cross-appointments in the MA program in Communication Studies and the Interdisciplinary PhD program Argumentation Studies. With Dr. Michael Darroch, I co-direct the IN/TERMINUS Research group which promotes interdisciplinary explorations of media arts and urban ecology. I am broadly interested in borders and migration in the Americas and their shifting representations. From 2010-13 I curated the Border Bookmobile Project, an urban research platform and traveling exhibition of books, artist projects, photographs, maps and ephemera about the urban history of the Windsor-Detroit region and other border cities around the world. The archive from this project was digitized as The Frontier Files with entries for over 200 border-related artifacts and selected interviews that explore shifting concepts of borders and frontiers over the last century.  I have received support from the Canada Council for the Arts, the Humanities Research Group, and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. Working with Srimoyee Mitra (University of Michigan Stamps School of Art + Design) and Dr. Michael Darroch (Founding Director, IN/TERMINUS Research Group) we have established a range of ongoing research projects that  investigate the ways in which bordering practices have shaped both local urban histories as well as national narratives from the 19th century onward.  


    PhD, Goldsmiths College, University of London (UK)

Areas of Research / Professional Expertise

    Visual Culture
    Relational practices in Visual Arts
    Border Cultures



Featured Title
 Featured Title - Looking Beyond Border Lines; Rodney - 1st Edition book cover