Daniel  Sundberg Author of Evaluating Organization Development

Daniel Sundberg

Linnaeus university

Daniel Sundberg, PhD, is Professor of Education at the Linnaeus University, where he is the co-leader of the SITE research group. His main field of research is education reforms, curriculum and teaching, where changes over time and places in what counts as knowledge is central. In recent research project Sundberg has investigated changing relations between educational research, politics of education and teaching practices from historical and comparative perspectives

Subjects: Education


    PhD in Education

Areas of Research / Professional Expertise

    Education reform, Curriculum, Policy, Pedagogy, Historical and comparative perspectives in Education



Featured Title
 Featured Title - Wahlstrom, Sundberg, Transnational Curriculum Standards - 1st Edition book cover



Discursive institutionalism

Published: Nov 13, 2017 by http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/02680939.2017.1344879
Authors: Wahlström, Ninni & Sundberg, Daniel
Subjects: Education

Discourse approaches in education policy analysis have gained prominence in the last decade. However, though the literature on policy discourses is growing, different conceptions of the ‘discursive’ dimension and its potential for empirical analysis related to the field of curriculum policy have not yet been fully researched. To address this gap in education policy research, this article explores the framework of discursive institutionalism.