Priscilla  Hayner Author of Evaluating Organization Development

Priscilla Hayner

Member, UN Standby Team of Senior Mediation Advisors

Priscilla Hayner has worked in the field of transitional justice for over two decades, assisting local organizations and governments put in place effective truth and justice mechanisms in war-torn countries. She is now focused on the challenge of war crimes in the context of peace negotiations. As member of the UN Standby Team of Senior Mediation Advisors, she works globally to assist mediators and others who are working to resolve violent conflict.

Subjects: Law


Priscilla Hayner is a member of the United Nations Standby Team of Senior Mediation Advisors, with expertise in transitional justice and process design.  She has worked in the field of transitional justice for many years, co-founding the International Center for Transitional Justice in 2001. Ms Hayner has published widely on truth commissions and other justice issues, including Unspeakable Truths: Transitional Justice and the Challenge of Truth Commissions, first published by Routledge in 2001, with a second edition in 2010.  She is now focused on justice and accountability in contexts of peace negotiations, as reflected in her 2018 book, also from Routledge: The Peacemaker’s Paradox: Pursuing Justice in the Shadow of Conflict.  She served as transitional justice adviser to the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue, the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Kenyan National Dialogue, among others.


    BA Earlham College
    MIA Columbia University, School of Int'l and Public Affairs
    Executive Masters in Law, University of Geneva

Areas of Research / Professional Expertise

    Peace and justice, including the role and impact of the International Criminal Court in contexts of conflict; peace negotiations; transitional justice; truth commissions.



Featured Title
 Featured Title - Hayner 1e Peacemaker's Paradox - 1st Edition book cover


Review of The Peacemaker's Paradox

By: Priscilla Hayner
Subjects: Law

"The Peacemaker’s Paradox is beyond excellent – rich with insight and solid advice for anyone involved in peace negotiations. Hayner’s formidable experience – combined with her clinical approach in dissecting past peace agreements and her thorough attention to the arguments posed by the stakeholders involved in peace negotiations – explains how (and why) she has succeeded in writing what is effectively a peacemaker’s guidebook." -- Review by Michael Karnavas

Mention of The Peacemaker's Paradox in the Nikkei Asian Review

By: Priscilla Hayner
Subjects: Law

"Ending Impunity in Manila" looks at the impact of the International Criminal Court in the Philippines and beyond, citing the newly-released Peacemaker's Paradox.