Jana  Wijnsouw Author of Evaluating Organization Development

Jana Wijnsouw

Heritage Consultant
Flanders Heritage Agency

Jana Wijnsouw holds a PhD in Art History Her research interests include 19th-century art and sculpture, Pre-Raphaelite art, cultural transfers, national identity, and transnational exchange.


Jana Wijnsouw holds a PhD in Art History and wrote her dissertation ‘In search of a national (s)cul(p)ture. The local, national and international identity of sculptors in Belgium (1830-1916)’ at the department of art history of Ghent University. Her research interests include 19th-century art and sculpture, Pre-Raphaelite art, cultural transfers, national identity, and transnational exchange. She wrote her master's thesis on the mirror in Pre-Raphaelite art. Her recent publications focus on sculpture at International Exhibitions and salons, and the presence and reception of Belgian sculptors abroad. In the past, she worked as an art historian at the Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage (KIK/IRPA), and as an intern at the Museum of Fine Arts (MSK) Ghent.
She assisted in the copy editing of the Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard at the Rubenianum: Centre for Flemish art of the 16th and 17th century, and is currently employed as a consultant at Flanders Heritage Agency.


    PhD Art History, Ghent University, Ghent, 2015



Featured Title
 Featured Title - National Identity and Nineteenth-Century; Wijnsouw - 1st Edition book cover


Laugée, T. and C., Rabiller, Critique d'art et nationalisme: regards français sur l'art européen au XIXe siècle

'Avec les sculpteurs belges, nous ne sortons pas de la France’ : an art critical dialogue between Belgium and France

Published: Jan 01, 2017 by Laugée, T. and C., Rabiller, Critique d'art et nationalisme: regards français sur l'art européen au XIXe siècle
Authors: Wijnsouw, Jana; Marjan, Sterckx and Tom, Verschaffel

This paper focusses on the role and importance of art critical magazines in the reporting and moulding of the complex exchange between French and Belgian sculpture. Special attention is paid to nationality as a means of classification. Finally, the simultaneous dialogue between artists and art critics of different nations, as well as the used terminology and its contribution to a hierarchy of national schools are examined.

Desipientia, Kunsthistorisch Tijdschrift, Vol. 23, nr. 1

“‘Like that Van Eyck in the National Gallery, with the man and the woman and the mirror’; De spiegel in prerafaëlitische kunst”

Published: Jan 01, 2016 by Desipientia, Kunsthistorisch Tijdschrift, Vol. 23, nr. 1
Authors: Wijnsouw, Jana

This article focusses on the mirror in Pre-Raphaelite art.

Encyclopedia of Romantic Nationalism in Europe

Guillaume Geefs

Published: Jan 01, 2015 by Encyclopedia of Romantic Nationalism in Europe
Authors: Verschaffel, Tom and Jana, Wijnsouw

This is a short biographical article on sculptor Guillaume Geefs.

Kearns, James and Alister, Mill, 'The Paris fine art Salon/Le Salon, 1791-1881', Peter Lang, pp. 291-304.

Sculpting a national career abroad: Belgian sculptors at the Paris Salon

Published: Jan 01, 2015 by Kearns, James and Alister, Mill, 'The Paris fine art Salon/Le Salon, 1791-1881', Peter Lang, pp. 291-304.
Authors: Wijnsouw, Jana

This paper focusses on Belgian sculptors struggling to make a career in Belgium and abroad, and elucidates the problems they faced trying to exhibit at the Paris Salon, the networks they used to do so, the role their nationality played and the way their presence at the Paris Salon changed their lives and careers, both in Belgium and abroad. This way, the intricate role of the Paris Salon in the formation of a Belgian sculpture school is examined.

Encyclopedia of Romantic Nationalism in Europe

Louis Royer

Published: Jan 01, 2015 by Encyclopedia of Romantic Nationalism in Europe
Authors: Tom, Verschaffel and Jana, Wijnsouw

This is a short biographical article on sculptor Louis Royer.

Gentse Bijdragen tot de Interieurgeschiedenis, Vol. 39

Reflecties over reflecties. De spiegel in het 19de-eeuwse kunstenaarsatelier

Published: Jan 01, 2014 by Gentse Bijdragen tot de Interieurgeschiedenis, Vol. 39
Authors: Wijnsouw, Jana

This article focusses on the mirror in 19the-century artists' studios.

Van Acker, Wouter and Christophe, Verbruggen, 'Gent 1913 : op het breukvlak van de moderniteit', Snoeck,  pp. 170-85.

'Een zekere vergelijking onderling': de kunsttentoonstellingen

Published: Jan 01, 2013 by Van Acker, Wouter and Christophe, Verbruggen, 'Gent 1913 : op het breukvlak van de moderniteit', Snoeck, pp. 170-85.
Authors: Marjan, Sterckx and Jana, Wijnsouw

We elaborate on the manifold exhibitions at the Ghent World Fair of 1913 focussing on the attention paid to both the ‘high’ and lower estimated arts, to the regional, national and international, and to past, present and progress in numerous fields of the arts.

Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide, Vol. 11, nr. 3

Ford Madox Brown: Pre-Raphaelite Pioneer

Published: Sep 01, 2012 by Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide, Vol. 11, nr. 3
Authors: Wijnsouw, Jana

This is a review on the Ford Madox Brown exhibition, organized in the Museum of Fine Arts, Ghent, February 25 – June 3, 2012.

Handelingen van de Maatschappij voor Geschiedenis en Oudheidkunde te Gent, Vol. 66, pp. 205-29.

'Een machtige veropenbaring der jeugdige Gentsche kunst', publieke kunst in het kader van de Gentse Wereldtentoonstelling

Published: Jan 11, 2012 by Handelingen van de Maatschappij voor Geschiedenis en Oudheidkunde te Gent, Vol. 66, pp. 205-29.
Authors: Wijnsouw, Jana and Marjan, Sterckx

This article scrutinizes public art at the Ghent World Fair of 1913 that generated questions about traditionalism and modernity, as well as the balance between local, national and international ambitions and concerns.