Benjamin  Sachs Author of Evaluating Organization Development

Benjamin Sachs

University of St. Andrews

Benjamin Sachs (1979-) was born in San Diego, California and has been studying philosophy non-stop since first stumbling into Philosophy 101 as a freshman at the University of Illinois. He now resides in Edinburgh, Scotland, works at the University of St. Andrews, and spends his free time indulging his fascination with castles and his love of dogs.

Subjects: Philosophy


I was born and raised in San Diego, California.  I thought I wanted to be an engineer, but taking calculus in my last year of high school changed that!  Then I thought I wanted to be a journalist, but that turned out to just be something I needed to get out of my system.  I finally stumbled into philosophy while at the University of Illinois, and knew right from the start that it was the subject for me.  I went on to spend six wonderful years in Madison, living in a co-op, eating hearty midwestern food and working toward my PhD in philosophy.  After that I was a postdoctoral fellow in bioethics at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland, while living in Washington D.C. and exploring ever nook and cranny of the Smithsonian.  I then became an assistant professor/faculty fellow at the Program in Environmental Studies and the Center for Bioethics at New York University.  I pretty much lived like a tourist there, and came away thinking that the observation deck of Rockefeller Center is one of the most special places on earth.  I now live in Edinburgh, Scotland, and work as a lecturer in the department of philosophy at the University of St. Andrews--a postcard of a town and a wonderful place to work if there ever was one.


    BA in Philosophy, University of Illinois, 2001
    MA in Philosophy, University of Wisconsin, 2004
    PhD in Philosophy, University of Wisconsin, 2006

Areas of Research / Professional Expertise

    Within philosophy, I do research on applied ethics (especially bioethics and animal ethics), theoretical and applied political philosophy, ethical theory, philosophy of law, and coercion.

Personal Interests

    Sports--playing and watching--dancing (blues, lindy hop), singing, hiking, visiting castles, doing puzzles, and finding excuses to spend time with dogs!


Featured Title
 Featured Title - Explaining Right and Wrong: Sachs - 1st Edition book cover


Theory and research in Education

Fair Equality of Opportunity in Our Actual World

Published: Aug 01, 2017 by Theory and research in Education
Authors: Benjamin Sachs

An explanation of how it can make sense to advocate fair equality of opportunity while taking meritocracy and broad liberty within the family as given, and a defense of a narrow principle of fair equality of opportunity against objections by Arneson and others.
