Rattan Lal Mittal Author of Evaluating Organization Development

Rattan Lal Mittal

Emeritus Professor
Orthopedic department Govt. Medical college Patiala

Avid researcher, diverse areas of numerous well documented works, especially CLUBFOOT extreme deformities lifetime (50 yrs) work, new concepts in pathoanatomy & surgical techniques(ZERO cost), still continuing, numerous National & International Awards/Rewards. Under National Health Mission (RBSK) did 38 poor free surgeriesr, at MK Hospital Patiala in 2016-17, added 12 cases, on 4.8.2016, National Bone & Joint Day, for IOA creating free surgeries WORLD RECORD by any country with W.R.A, U.S.A.


Formerly Professor & Head orthopaedic department, Principal Government Medical college Patiala, Dean Punjabi University Patiala (Punjab) INDIA as well as  DIRECTOR Research & Medical Education Government of Punjab, Chandigarh INDIA. Author has also been an Alumnus of this institution. Retired on 30th April 1995 from Government Job, still actively involved in teaching & academic activities in various capacities, the latest being as EMERITUS PROFESSOR in Orthopaedic Department of Government Medical College Patiala, his old department. He is presently a practicing orthopaedic surgeon at 97 New Lal Bagh Colony, Patiala (Punjab) 147001, INDIA, but very considerate to poor patients. The author has been Chancellor’s Nominee in the Punjabi University Patiala committee for selection of teachers and also a teacher for M.sc & B.sc Physiotherapy courses in this university. He has also been a teacher for sports medicine courses at Government of India National Institute of Sports, Patiala.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
He has been a devout researcher in diverse areas with a large number of well documented works. His special field of lifetime interest has been CLUBFOOT. He innovated newer concepts in pathoanatomy & surgical techniques in extreme clubfoot deformities, which are prevalent from early childhood to adults especially in LMICs including India, winning numerous National & International Awards & Rewards. This has been a ZERO cost Research initiated at Government Medical College/ Rajindra Hospital Patiala since about half a century and still continuing.
Due to his expertise, H was authorized by Punjab Government Under GOI’s National Health Mission (Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram), at Govt. Mata Kaushlaya Hospital Patiala  for free clubfoot surgeries for the underprivileged patients of Punjab  He performed a record 38 surgeries in about a year in 2016-17. He also contributed 12 poor free surgeries, single handed, on 4th August 2016, the National Bone and Joint Day, to the kitty of Indian Orthopaedic association for creating a world record of maximum free surgeries by any country with the WORLD RECORDS ACADEMY, U.S.A.  
  Research publications 130, in reputed scientific journals, about 25% in International Journals, many original research works with emphasis on LOW COST Technology:
1. Skeletal fluorosis collaborating for about 6-7 years with Indian Council Medical Research New Delhi & got an ICMR NATIONAL AWARD in 1991 for outstanding original research in this disease, which were documented in National & International Publications.

2. LIFE TIME ACHIEVEMENT- Continued Research in Clubfoot since about half a century & innovated newer concepts in pathoanatomy and evolved New Surgical Techniques, in extreme deformities at all ages” with numerous publications in reputed National and International Journals, Different aspects of this research has been presented  at a large number of International & National meetings.

3. “Patiala Orthopedic Biopsy Needle” Low cost, simple, versatile core biopsy instrument, adopted by Indian Orthopaedic Association in 1985 (Published in Ind. Jr. Orth.).

4. A modified low cost Ring Fixator (modified Illizarov Technique), using successfully since more than 30 years for complicated trauma, presented at many National  as well as at SICOT International conference  at Sydney,  Australia in 1999.

5. Many new orthopedic conditions discovered and published in International Journals:- traumatic dislocation of Tibialis posterior tendon, transcondylar fracture distal humerus, Pseudomegadactyly,  etc.

6. New surgical techniques:- Besides Club Foot;  new surgical techniques for Arthrodesis Wrist, Cock Up deformity big toe and  Hallux Valgus (All published In International/ National journals).

7. Invented instruments: - Scoliometer for mass school screening for scoliosis, Patiala Orthopaedic Biopsy Needle,  tropometer (Published in I.J.O) , UNiversal Inter-locking Nail EXtractor  (UNILEX) & others (published in National/ International Journals,

1. Senior Commonwealth Fellowship under British Council (by Health Ministry Govt. of India) 1984- visiting different centres for  the study of Medical Education in England:- 1984,
2. Indian Orthopedic Association A.A. Mehta Gold Medal for spine surgery–1985.
3. Ind. Ortho. Assn.- Howmedica Fellowship in 1985 for Amer. Acad. Ortho. Surg. conference at Las Vegas U.S.A
4. Ind. Orthop Assn. Silver Jubilee Oration Award for Best original Research in Club Foot - 1988.
5. Ind. Council Med. Res. New Delhi- National Award for Skeletal Fluorosis – 1991.
6. Appreciation letter by Punjab State Council Science/ Technology (1994) for outstanding research During the period from 1990-1993.
7. Commendation by Government of Punjab Medical Education department for outstanding Research–1992
8. Member Medical council of India, New Delhi – 1993-95
9. President - Punjab Medical council, Chandigarh 1994
10. President Indian Orthopedic Association – 1994
11. Dr B.C Roy National Award conferred by President of India -1994
12. President Indian Foot & Ankle society - 2000-02.
13. Dr. B.B Joshi Oration Award by Indian Foot & Ankle Society – 2010.
14. Original Research Award once again for original research- DOLAR surgical technique in extreme Clubfoot deformities- Ind. Orthop. Assn, Golden Jubilee Oration Award-2013.
15. Dr. B.N. Sinha Meritorious Award (Ind. Ortho. Assn) - 2013.
16. Widely traveled to about 25 countries for conferences as Chairman, guest Lectures, Fellowships and/or as visiting Professor.
17. Life Fellow National Acad. Medical Sciences Delhi since 1995 & Member of its Advisory Panel.
18. Life Member - Association of British Scholar, INDIA, Chandigarh Chapter.
19. Indian Orthopaedic Association. Honorary Fellow Award Dec. 2015.
20. Govt. of Punjab Honour on 15th August 2016, INDIA’s Independence Day for doing free Clubfoot surgeries under Government of India’s National Health Mission (Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram project)..
21. Recently, I have been designated as EMERITUS PROFESSOR Government Medical College Patiala for contributing to Research and Academic Activities, including in Clubfoot in April 2018 only. Work has already been started.
22. Delivered a lecture on Clubfoot at Global foot & Ankle Congress held in China in May 2017.
23. , Invited by a Global American publisher (Taylor & Francis). Written a  
  comprehensive unique book on CLUBFOOT , including my latest  research and  
  is with publication department of the Publisher in USA. Likely to be released in October/ November 2018  as intimated by the publisher.
24. A comprehensive CLUBFOOT original research article published in International Orthopaedics (SICOT), the official Journal of of a truly global association of orthopaedic surgeons, as online first, in Feb.2018 and in its print version in June 2018 issue.
• Volunteered- National emergency 1971 Indo- Pakistan War, Fazilka Sector, and for providing surgical help to war causalities and headed a Surgical Team at the war front Hospital,  from 8.12.1971 to 18.12, 1971
• Punjab State & Patiala District Red Cross Awardee 1985 (Life member). Organized number of Red Cross sponsored free orthopaedic Camps in Punjab for free surgeries.
• Under a RED CROSS sponsored RESEARCH PROJECT, innovated a low cost mechanical hand for upper limb prosthesis, supplied free to Farm Amputees of Punjab and this Research paper was presented at an International conference, sponsored by Punjab Government- .
• School Surveys- of Rural population Patiala 1987 & 1993 (about 50000 each) for Flat Feet and Congenital orthopaedic Anomalies including clubfoot & scoliosis. Innovated a quick fix scoliometer, which was also presented at SICOT International Conference 1987 Munich (W. Germany) (sponsored by Punjab Government) and published in International Orthopedics (SICOT) 1987.
• Regular yearly contributions to various social organizations: Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund like Kargil heroes & Uttrakhand disaster, Nepal Earthquake, Ramakrishna Mission branches all over India, Help age India, Patiala Social Welfare Society, Deaf & Dumb School, Patiala Health Foundation.
• INSPIRED BY SWAMI VIVEKANANDA, running a Registered NGO Ramakrishna Vivekananda Seva Samiti Patiala, affiliated with Ramakrishna Mission BELURMATH (West Bengal) and financial contributions to its various branches all over India for social services as propagated by Swami Vivekananda.
• Actively involved in NGO PATIALA HEALTH FOUNDATION (Regd), Patiala Medical College Alumni Association charity. With Rs. 3 crores corpus, free medicines to emergency patients, LIQUID OXYGEN PLANT for 24 hours supply and  other services.
• Appointed Emeritus Professor Orthopedic department, Medical College Patiala for contributing to research, teaching and other academic programs, including clubfoot. Will be starting free clubfoot surgeries once again as a Research oriented project..


    Master of Orthopedic Surgery

Areas of Research / Professional Expertise

    Diverse areas:- many original research works with emphasis on LOW COST Technology:

    1.Skeletal fluorosis collaborating for about 6-7 years with Indian Council Medical Research New Delhi & got an ICMR NATIONAL AWARD in 1991 for outstanding original research
    1. 2. LIFE TIME ACHIEVEMENT- Continuous 3 phased Research in Clubfoot since about half a century & discovered new concepts in pathoanatomy and invented New Surgical Techniques, in extreme deformities at all ages, with numerous publications in reputed National and International Journal. Different aspects of this research has been presented  at a large number of International & National meetings.
    2. New instruments: “Patiala Orthopedic Biopsy Needle, A modified low cost Ring Fixator (modified Illizarov Technique), tropometer to measure tibial torsion, Low cost multipoint soft tissue distractor for skin contracture, Scoliometer for mass school screening for scoliosis, Patiala Orthopaedic Biopsy Needle,  tropometer (Published in I.J.O) , UNiversal Inter-locking Nail EXtractor  (UNILEX) & others (published in National/ International Journals,

    Many new orthopedic conditions discovered and published in International Journals: - traumatic dislocation of Tibialis posterior tendon, transcondylar fracture distal humerus, Pseudomegadactyly, etc.
    New surgical techniques:- Besides Club Foot;  new surgical techniques for Arthrodesis Wrist, Cock Up deformity big toe and  Hallux Valgus (All published In International/ National journals).

Personal Interests

    Volunteered- National emergency 1971 Indo- Pakistan War, Red cross services, Regular yearly contributions to various social organizations- regional and National, Actively involved in NGO PATIALA HEALTH FOUNDATION (Regd), Patiala Medical College Alumni Association.

    INSPIRED BY SWAMI VIVEKANANDA, a monk reformer of India famous for lecture series at World Parliament of Religions Chicago 1893 and founder of twin organizations Ramakrishna Math and Mission, service organizations. His famous quotes have been really inspiring: “You are the creator of your destiny”. “Arise, Awake and Stop not till the goal is achieved”. “I worship that GOD whom the ignorant call MAN”. My American CLUBFOOT book has been inspired by him and hence dedicated to him. I was specially authorised due to my expertise, under National Health Mission to perform poor free surgeries at a Govt. Hospital and I performed 38 surgeries in one year. Many of these cases are in Sicot 1988 publication and in this book. One of the cases, FIRST CASE OF WORLD,  OCTOPUS CLUBFOOT, in there in the book as well in SICOT Journal, operated by the first ever 4-in-1 surgery is viral on Google and was interviewed by a LONDON UK paper and is available on LINK “dailymail.co.uk/ health octopus clubfoot”.
    running a Registered NGO Ramakrishna Vivekananda Seva Samiti Patiala, affiliated with Ramakrishna Mission BELURMATH (West Bengal) and financial contributions to its various branches all over India for social services as propagated by Swami Vivekananda.


Featured Title
 Featured Title - Clubfoot - 1st Edition book cover



Trimorphic extreme clubfoot deformities and their management by triple surgical skin expanders- DOLAR, DOLARZ and DOLARZ-E (evidence based mega-corrections without arthrodesis)

Published: Jun 01, 2018 by link.springer.com
Authors: Rattan L. Mittal
Subjects: Medicine, Healthcare, Life Science

A generic name, of extreme club feet (3 grades) was given to prevalent untreated/under-corrected deformities with no good treatment available, mostly advocating arthrodesis. Evidence based, skin contracture, being primary cause, Author innovated new surgical techniques by skin chamber enlargement by triple expanding incisions: DOLAR/ DOLAR Z/ DOLARZ-E. Patient satisfaction level was considered for grading results 12½ years average long term follow up, mostly excellent/good functioning foot.


Obstinate Club foot with Triple Plus Dislocations J Foot ankle Surg

Published: Dec 01, 2014 by jaypeejournals.com
Authors: Rattan Lal Mittal
Subjects: Medicine, Healthcare, Life Science

Resistant club foot still remains unsolved, especially after surgeries, as this case with unique patho-anatomy of triple+ dislocations. Deformity was corrected by second gen, technique of 3 phases i.e. DOLAR, DOLARZ and DOLARZ-E in 3 grades of OBSTINATE club feet, generic name for rigid/severe clubfeet, adding Z-plasties in DOrso-LAteral Rotation skin flap (DOLAR) with extensive deeper release. including sliding cuboid osteotomy0 (new) with gratifying result.


Rattan Lal Mittal - Obstinate Club Foot with Triple Plus Dislocations: The Journal Foot & ankle surgery (Asia-Pacific), July to December 2014;Vol.1,no.2, P-72-77.

Published: Jan 12, 2014 by www.researchgate.net
Authors: Rattan Lal Mittal
Subjects: Medicine, Healthcare, Life Science

,First case of 3ple+ dislocation,a new pathoanatomy, treated by 2nd phase researched, 2-in-1 skin expansion and first time sliding osteotomy of cuboild with excellent result, which was bestowed Golden Jubilee Award of IOA earlier in 2013. This further proved the assertion that “Each Clubfoot is Different”. This & host of other extreme deformities, very prevalent in LMICs, are part of this BOOK. Published in this Asia-Pacific Journal. Also shown at Global China foot/ankle congress May 2017.


The prevalence of congenital orthopaedic anomalies in a rural community

Published: Feb 01, 1993 by link.springer.com
Authors: R. L. MittalA. S. SekhonG. SinghH. Thakral
Subjects: Medicine, Healthcare, Life Science

A rural Indian population of 50,055 was studied for the detection of congenital orthopaedic anomalies by a door-to-door survey. An incidence of 2.25 cases per 1000 population was found. Club foot was the commonest anomaly at 0.9 per 1000, followed by polydactyly and syndactyly at 0.45 and 0.38 cases per 1000. The most common anomaly found in females was a congenital short 4th metatarsal (0.24 per 1000).


The surgical management of resistant club foot by rotation skin flap and extensive soft tissue release

Published: Jan 08, 1987 by link.springer.com
Authors: R. L. Mittal
Subjects: Medicine, Healthcare, Life Science

aetio-pathology & frequently seen, especially in developing world. Posteromedial skin contracture, a potent deforming force, is responsible for failures/relapses. Results of operation, where a rotation skin flap was combined with extensive soft-tissue release, in children from 9 months-10 years were reported. Follow-up period was from one to 9 years, average 43 months, more than 5 years in 50. Outcome has been excellent or good in 94/100 feet.

Ind J Orthop: 1981;15; 129-135

1. Mittal RL, makhni SS, Sidhu GS. Morbid anatomy of congenital clubfoot.

Published: Dec 01, 1981 by Ind J Orthop: 1981;15; 129-135
Authors: Mittal RL, makhni SS, Sidhu GS
Subjects: Medicine, Healthcare, Life Science

Summary- Review of literature only had 80 disections reported in literature & that too with conflicting views. Purpose of this study was to obtain clear understanding of morbid anatomy of clubfoot & factors responsible for recurrence. Morbid anatomy of clubfoot in 15 dissected specimens from 6 to 9 months gestation period were compared with same number of normal feet. Abnormalities were found in muscles, capsules, ligaments, bones & joints, considered responsible for this complex deformity.



Barnala man's clubfoot cured after repeated surgeries over 7 yrs

By: Rattan Lal Mittal
Subjects: Healthcare, Life Science, Medicine

An 8 years old child of Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita, both feet operated (first gen). Rotation Flap skin expansion (1-in-1) technique. Left foot had excellent orrection, right only partial due to coalitions. He continued with it till adulthood, with repeated chronic ulceration great toe area, and his great toe ray was amputated by some other orthopaedic surgeon. But instead of relief, he gradually developed a very painful plantar horn on the remaining forefoot area of sole and inability to put weight on foot, when he consulted the author. On examination, he has grade-5 equinus, extensive complete coalitions and zerp mobility of foot joints. Author corrected the deformity with high satisfaction of patient and Happy.

THIS CASE AND MANY MORE UNIQUE RAREST OF RARE CASES, INCLUDIN OCTOPUS CLIBFOOT which is VIRAL ON GOOGLE with its LONDON UK daily interview are part of this unique book. THIS IS  FIRST ever 4-in-1, skin expansion TECHNIQUE with mega-expansion of skin chamber to achieve the best possible functiong foot.

Indian woman born with club foot undergoes life-changing surgery

By: Rattan Lal Mittal
Subjects: Healthcare, Life Science, Medicine

Life-changing surgery has a transformed an Indian teenager's life who was born with eight toes. 18-year-old Rajwant Kaur, from Punjab, suffered depression after a deformity she was born with forced her to rely on her siblings for help.

Kaur had club foot, which made it difficult and painful for her to walk, according to the Daily Mail.. Her misshapen foot also prohibited her from wearing shoes. According to NHS, the condition causes the "feet to point inwards".  The cause is not yet known, but it could be genetic.


Since her family could not afford treatment, a doctor performed the surgery, a first of its kind for free.  Dr Rattan Lal Mittal, 80, an orthopedic surgeon at Mata Kaushalya Hospital, in Patiala, performed the operation in August 2016. He named the surgery 'Octoplus Club foot' due to the foot's likeness to the animal.

"She suffered from a complex and a rare congenital orthopedic disorder where she had eight toes - seven can clearly be seen while the eighth is within the skin," Dr Mittal is quoted as saying by the Daily Mail. Adding, “We removed the club foot deformity and the extra toes and her foot was fully corrected.”

While the surgery was a success, the procedure left Kaur with one leg 2.5 inches shorter than the other. Kaur underwent months of physiotherapy to rectify her condition.

Kaur is “extremely happy" the surgery and treatment worked, as she can now finally wear shoes and hopes to be able to wear "pretty heels" one day. For treatment for club foot to be most effective, doctors recommend it should start within two weeks of birth.

Girl with eight toes on a foot undergoes rare surgery in Patiala

By: Rattan Lal Mittal
Subjects: Healthcare, Life Science, Medicine

This was the first case of the world, given a new name and treated by, first ever innovative surgical technique: 4-in-1 i.e. four plastic surgery procedures used in a single incision, for the first time to get maximum skin chamber expansion. These were: Rotation flap, Z-plasty, YY-plasty and Fillet flap. This case is given in detail in this book.along with many unique case, most extremes. Octopus Clubfoot is viral on Google search after it was interviewed in 2016 at Patiala by London UK dailyat Link "dailymai.co.uk/ hwealth octopus clubfoot".

The new skin expanding techniques are must to achieve the best possipbe correction without fusing any jopint. with longer, good looking , flexible and better functioning over long term. 

These techniques can correct anY and every, rarest of rare ,eventhe most extreme deformities improving psycho-physico-socio-economics of large numbver of patients in all Low and Middle income countries 80 % of global population.

Free clubfoot surgery camp at Govt Mata Laushalya Hospital Patiala under GOI's National health mission

By: Rattan Lal Mittal
Subjects: Medicine

Due to my expertise, i was authorised to coduct poor free surgeries under Govt of India's (RBSK) project in 2016. I conduced a free surgical camp from 3-5 August and I single handed did 12 free surgeries in this camp. I performed 38 free surgeries in one  year in this cap 2016-17. They mwere mostly extreme deformities. there were numerous unusual cases given in this book as firsts.Octopus clubfoot was one of them , the most unique, given this new funny name because of its xray picture resaembliong an OCTOPUS. 

First doctor couple to get B.C. Roy award

By: Rattan Lal Mittal
Subjects: Healthcare, Life Science, Medicine

Dr Radha Rani Mittal and Dr R.L. Mittal, both senior doctors, who have held senior positions in the local Government Medical College and also in the Research and Medical Education Department, have got the unique distinction of being the first couple in the region to be awarded the Medical Council of India’s Dr BC Roy National Award.

Dr B.C. Roy National Award winners Dr R.L. Mittal and Dr Radha Rani Mittal have the unique distinction of being the fist couple to win the award.


7. Diamond Jub.Oration & CLUBFOOT book, Publisher T& F USA realesed 29Nov, 2018

Published: Nov 29, 2018

Meticulous techniques, need learning. IOA National Workshops can be organized. After the oration, citation was read, Diamond Jubilee award was given and my Comprehensive CLUBFOOT book, by Global Taylor & Francis publisher, was released.

6. Diamond Jub.Oration & CLUBFOOT book, Publisher T& F USA realesed 29Nov, 2018

Published: Nov 29, 2018

18YFOctopus clubfoot-8Toes, double axis rotation, treated by 4-in-1skin expansion. 18YM Residual EQ3, sublux. Tibiae, treated 2-in-1. RI 23YM, reversed foot gait (170°), treated 3-in-1. 24YM rigid, scars, stress # 5thMT, treated, no fusion.

5. Diamond Jub.Oration & CLUBFOOT book, Publisher T& F USA realesed 29Nov, 2018

Published: Nov 29, 2018

Complications: 6½YFC, Ponset’s, CCV; 7½FC,B/L, EQ-4, callosity; 7YMB/L, ĉ scars; 9½YMC, triple+disloc, scars; 16YM Scars, GR; 18YF octopus clubfoot.; 18YM subxated tibiae/B/L. They were all corrected by 2,3 or4-in-1 mega skin expansion.

4. Diamond Jub.Oration & CLUBFOOT book, Publisher T& F USA realesed 29Nov, 2018

Published: Nov 29, 2018

Video clip of extreme cases in children with many cases of under-corrected, rigid with 1-3 Ponseti's heel cord sections, only scar in heel cord area, corrected by advancing proximal heel cord to calcaneum (histopath- irregular collagen).

3. Diamond Jub.Oration & CLUBFOOT book, Publisher T& F USA realesed 29Nov, 2018

Published: Nov 29, 2018

Imp. Rewards:38 poor Free innovative surgeries & Emeritus Professor to Continue research. Richest discovery was varied 3 graded only Cong. skin contractures or with added myriad surgical scars, treated by mega skin expansion (3-in-1 incision) without arthrodesis.

2. Diamond Jub.Oration & CLUBFOOT book, Publisher T& F USA realesed 29Nov, 2018

Published: Nov 29, 2018

Numerous complications at all ages (1 to 45Y). Prevalent Ponseti’s Residuals/Relapses, many reports: Ponseti himself & others: reasons to innovate 3 GEN research. This video discusses phase 3, with its aims, achievements as numerous Awards/ Rewards.

1. Diamond Jub.Oration & CLUBFOOT book, Publisher T& F USA realesed 29Nov, 2018

Published: Nov 29, 2018

Extreme clubfoot prevalent & a bane of all LMICs, with innumerable complications, scanty literature and no good treatment available globally; new pathoanatomical features discovered, primarily the skin contractures & consequently the deeper tissues.

Golden Jubilee Oration - R.L.Mittal

Published: Dec 30, 2013

A need & evidence based new surgical concept in obstinate clubfeet, by correcting the primary cause of graded skin contracture and deeper structures, based on amount of rigidity was involved. For lesser contracture 1st GEN. DOLAR and for severer contracture, 2nd GEN DOLARZ, skin expanding incision with requisite deeper correction, were used.

A unique case of Clubfoot named - OCTOPUS CLUBFOOT

Published: May 14, 2017

WORLD's FIRST , named octopus clubfoot, CORRECTED BY, first ever, 4-in-1 mega skin expansion, NO FUSION - IN THIS BOOK.

A unique case of Clubfoot named - OCTOPUS CLUBFOOT AFTER OPERATION

Published: Aug 19, 2018

Follow up gait video with 2" shoe raise. Limb lengthening also possible, patient happy with this. See link"dailymail.co.uk/health octopusclubfoot

3. R.I. with shoes

Published: Jan 11, 2019

Patient walking with the normal shoes and happy. A large number of rarest of rare Extreme Clubfoot cases, treatable by the newer innovated techniques, can be viewed in this BOOK OF THE FUTURE.

Long term follow up 30 years in a patient of extreme deformity

Published: Jan 11, 2019

This adult patient, is a tag showing a long term follow up of 30 years with completely normal function in all respects, including running, with no hiddern equinus even, which is considered important in INDIA for ADL (patient sitting on both feet with completely flexed knees and heel touching the ground in a normal person)

1.Seven Yrs Female child Clubfeet with awful extreme equinus (EQ4)

Published: Jan 11, 2019

AS 7YFC G-3 rigid B/L CTEV, right corrected, awful high Equinus (EQ4), huge callosity LT, talus vertical in ankle, weight is borne on talar head, calcaneum & cuboid complex, with TN, CC & CN subluxations. Rt foot corrected by 3-in-1 skin expansion.

2.Seven Yrs Female child Clubfeet with awful extreme equinus (EQ4)

Published: Jan 11, 2019

Follow up video after correction of BOTH FEET (the other foot also) by the same extensive Skin and deeper tissues surgery. Normal gait bare-footed. Her pre-operative of one and post-operatice of other foot video is shown after this video.

1. R.I.Unique e Clubfoot with 180 degrees inversion with Reversed Foot Gait

Published: Jan 11, 2019

Male 23 years left Clubfoot, UNIQUE EXTREME 180 degrees INVERSION with LARGE OVAL HUGE CALLOSITY on whole of Dorsal Surface extending up to ankle (NEVER SEEN BEFORE) corrected by innovative technique without fusion- SEE IN THIS BOOK- Another rarest of Rare Case. Videos before after surgery are there to appreciate the efficacy of these new techniques.

2. R.I patient, post operative barefooted gait video, walking with plantigrade f

Published: Jan 11, 2019

Corrected by 3-in-1 MEGA-CORRECTION (Rotation+Z+VY-plasty) and extensive deeper soft tissue and osseous correction without fusion. Highly satisfied patient with normal shoe wear.