Sara  Martín Author of Evaluating Organization Development

Sara Martín

Senior Lecturer
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Sara Martín is Senior Lecturer at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, where she works since 1991 teaching 19th Century British Fiction, Cultural Studies, and Gender Studies. She has published extensively in Catalan, Spanish, and English in the fields of Gender Studies (above all Masculinities Studies), Science Fiction Studies and Film Studies. See her website for a complete list of her academic activities


My name is Sara Martín and I am a bilingual native speaker of Spanish and Catalan. I was born in Barcelona (1966), my nationality is Spanish, but I consider myself culturally a mixture of Spanish and Catalan. I am a specialist in English Studies and obtained a PhD back in 1996 with a dissertation on monstrosity in English-language 1980s and 1990s films and novels. Since 1991 I have been teaching 19th Century British Literature (both Victorian and Romantic British Literature) at BA level, and Cultural Studies and Gender Studies at BA, MA and Doctoral levels. I consider myself a feminist and I am fully committed to earning equality for women, though I call myself mainly an anti-patriarchal activist (I defend that masculinity is not the same as patriarchy).

I have published extensively in Catalan, Spanish, and English (see my website http:/ Among my books are Monstruos al Final del Milenio (2002), Expediente X: En Honor a la Verdad (2006), Recycling Cultures (ed., 2006), La Literatura (2008), Desafíos a la Heterosexualidad Obligatoria (2011), Persistence and Resistance in English Studies (co-ed., 2018) and Masculinity and Patriarchal Villainy in the British Novel: From Hitler to Voldemort (2019, Routledge). As editor I would highlight my work with Fernando Ángel Moreno in the monographic issue on Spanish science fiction for Science Fiction Studies (2017). As translator, I am very proud of having translated into English a key Catalan novel, Mecanoscrit del Segon Origen by Manuel de Pedrolo (as Typescript of the Second Origin, Weslyian UP 2018). And, as a teacher, I have developed a series of e-books with my BA and MA students on Harry Potter, Gender Studies, Science Fiction, Frankenstein’s Film Legacy, which result from my project-oriented teaching practice (see the complete list at my website, all are available online). Since 2009 I have been writing the professional blog The Joys of Teaching Literature (


    PhD, 1996, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Areas of Research / Professional Expertise

    My areas of interest are:
    *Gender Studies: Feminism, Women's Studies, Masculinities Studies and what I call Anti-Patriarchal Studies
    *The Fantastic, including science fiction (my main interest), Gothic and fantasy
    *Film Adaptation, mainly of novels and short stories for cinema
    I have also done work on a variety of other interests: children's animated cinema, pop and rock, nationalism (Scottish and Catalan), Scottish Literature, First World War, The X-Files...

Personal Interests

    I love reading and watching films (not series...), which is the basis of my professional vocation, and I count myself lucky that I can teach and do research in my chosen fields.



Featured Title
 Featured Title - Masculinity and Patriarchal Villainy in the British Novel - 1st Edition book cover