Brian  Cafarella Author of Evaluating Organization Development

Brian Cafarella

mathematics professor
Sinclair Community College

I have been a mathematics educator since 1999. Additionally, I am an avid researcher in developmental and introductory community college math courses. I believe that through open, honest, and thorough research, we can continue to improve and provide the best education for our students.

Subjects: Mathematics


I am a mathematics professor at Sinclair Community College in Dayton, Ohio. I have taught a variety of courses ranging from developmental math through pre-calculus. I am a past recipient of the Roueche Award for teaching excellence. I am also a past recipient of the Ohio Magazine Award for excellence in education.

I have published in several peer-reviewed journals. My articles have focused on implementing best practices in developmental math and various math pathways for community college students. Additionally, I was the recipient of the Article of the Year Award for my article, “Acceleration and Compression in Developmental Mathematics: Faculty Viewpoints” in the Journal of Developmental Education. My first book, "Breaking Barriers: Student Success in Community College Mathematics" focuses on students' endeavors through community college math through their eventual success in a college-level math course. My second book, "Community College Mathematics: Past, Present, and Future" examines the trends, initiatives, and mandates throughout the rich history of community college math. Moreover, I address how we can help students sustain success in math in the future by learning from the past and present.


    Ph.D., Educational Leadership, 2013

Areas of Research / Professional Expertise

    * Best practices in developmental math and community college math.
    * Faculty and student viewpoints regarding best practices.

Personal Interests

    * Fitness
    * Swimming
    * Following professional baseball
    * Spending time with family.


Featured Title
 Featured Title - Cafarella - Breaking Barriers - 1st Edition book cover


Community College Enterprise

Eliminating Standalone Developmental Mathematics? Please Answer Some Questions.

Published: Jun 01, 2023 by Community College Enterprise
Authors: Brian Cafarella
Subjects: Mathematics

There has been a major push to eliminate standalone developmental math and rely entirely on co-requisite courses to serve underprepared students. However, the elimination of standalone developmental math math have major consequences. In this article, I ask policy makers to address specific questions regarding the elimination of standalone developmental math.

Community College Journal of Research and Practice

Community College Faculty Perspectives Regarding Quantway

Published: Jul 09, 2021 by Community College Journal of Research and Practice
Authors: Brian Cafarella
Subjects: Mathematics

This article focuses on Quantway, a novel college math pathway for non- STEM (Science, Technology, Mathematics, and Engineering) majors. The author explores both the positive aspects as well as the challenges regarding Quantway. This was based on interviews from community college faculty members with experience teaching the course.

Research and Teaching in Developmental Education

The Myths of Redesign in Developmental Math

Published: May 01, 2016 by Research and Teaching in Developmental Education
Authors: Brian Cafarella
Subjects: Mathematics

Throughout the 21st century, developmental math has been overwhelmed with initiatives to improve student success rates. However, not all initiatives have been productive, and there are indeed misconceptions regarding the constant state of redesign. Such misconceptions include that redesign can be implemented continuously, redesign will eliminate all problems, and that redesign is a glamorous experience.

Journal of Developmental Education

Acceleration and Compression in Developmental Mathematics: Faculty Viewpoints

Published: Mar 01, 2016 by Journal of Developmental Education
Authors: Brian Cafarella

This article was based on a qualitative study conducted from interviews with six developmental math instructors regarding the practices of acceleration and compression in the discipline. Incoming student skill-level as well as computer skills are important considerations as are individual learning styles. Individual instructor comfort level regarding various practices is imperative as well.

The Community College Enterprise

Developmental Math: What's the Answer?

Published: Mar 01, 2016 by The Community College Enterprise
Authors: Brian Cafarella
Subjects: Mathematics

This paper focuses on the current issues facing developmental math. Such issues include poor student success and attrition rates as well as political issues such as the threat of reduced college funding based on such success rates. Additionally, the author explores various methods to improve developmental math.

Research in Developmental Education

Developmental Education: Then and Now

Published: Oct 01, 2014 by Research in Developmental Education
Authors: Brian Cafarella
Subjects: Mathematics

This article focuses on the overall history of the discipline of developmental education. The author shared the evolution of developmental education through the 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th century. The author also examines developmental education in the 21st century as well as the future of the discipline.

Research and Teaching in Developmental Education

Exploring Best Practices in Developmental Math

Published: May 01, 2014 by Research and Teaching in Developmental Education
Authors: Brian Cafarella
Subjects: Mathematics

This article explores general best practices in developmental mathematics, as reported by faculty who self-reported at least a 60% success rate. Such practices included effective communication, student outreach, the establishment of organizational skills, and collaborative learning.


Community College Mathematics: Past, Present, an Future

Published: Oct 21, 2022

This is a short overview of my second book, "Community College Mathematics: Past, Present, and Future."

Breaking Barriers: Student Success in Community College Mathematics

Published: Jul 09, 2021

This video consists of a brief description of my book, "Breaking Barriers: Student Success in Community College Mathematics."