Peter  Marina Author of Evaluating Organization Development

Peter Marina

As a sociologist and criminologist, I write about new and emergent forms of transgression in our highly contradictory late-modern social world. My approach to sociology incorporates the striking dialectic of history and biography that allows me to penetrate and interact with a wide range of culturally diverse social groups around the world in a quest to make sense both empirically and theoretically of this rapidly changing, surprising but always fascinating world.


Dr. Peter Marina, a New Orleans native, is a PhD graduate of the New School for Social Research in Manhattan, and author of Down and Out in New Orleans: Transgressive Living in the Informal Economy (Columbia University Press, 2017), among other books. As a sociologist and criminologist, Marina writes about new and emergent forms of transgression in our highly contradictory late-modern social world. His approach to sociology incorporates the striking dialectic of history and biography that allows him to penetrate and interact with a wide range of culturally diverse social groups around the world — from inner-city youths and street kids, to urban street performers and willful outsiders on the social fringes of the metropolis, to religiously inspired residents of the inner-city and urban occultists and Satanists, and most recently, to down and out urban dwellers — in a quest to make sense both empirically and theoretically of this rapidly changing, surprising but always fascinating world.


    Ph.D., Sociology. New School for Social Research, New York
    M.A., Sociology. University of New Orleans
    B.A., Education. University of New Orleans

Areas of Research / Professional Expertise

    Criminology & Criminal Justice
    Sociology of the City
    Urban Ethnography
    Race & Ethnicity
    Transgressive Sociology
    Critical & Cultural Criminology
    Travel & Tourism
    Hispanic Immigration
    Stratification & Social Inequalities
    Human Rights Policing

Personal Interests

    World Travel


Featured Title
 Featured Title - Human Rights Policing - 1st Edition book cover


The Blue Magazine. Vol. 12, Issue 5, November 26.

“A Call for Human Rights Policing: We Can Make the World Better.”

Published: Aug 25, 2022 by The Blue Magazine. Vol. 12, Issue 5, November 26.
Authors: Peter marina

To become the world’s best model of policing, we need a standard national human rights police training program that trains law enforcement agents how to apply human rights in their everyday police interactions with community members. Human rights remains a concept, but far from a practice in society. Is it possible that police officers can serve as the harbinger towards making human rights a reality? We say yes. We can make the world better.


History of Policing: Policing, Capitalism, & Class

Published: Jul 08, 2023