Jonathan  Daly Author of Evaluating Organization Development

Jonathan Daly

Professor of History
University of Illinois at Chicago

Jonathan Daly teaches Russian, European, and world history at the University of Illinois at Chicago. His courses inquire mainly into the nature of Western Civilization—how it rose and shaped the modern world—and into the unequal struggle between the Russian state and society in late Imperial and early Soviet history.

Subjects: History


His books, Autocracy under Siege (Northern Illinois University Press, 1998) and The Watchful State (Northern Illinois University Press, 2004), examine efforts by the Russian government before 1917 to isolate terrorists and political extremists but also to avoid indiscriminate persecution of opposition movements and figures. He compiled Russia in War and Revolution, 1914-1922: A Documentary History (Hackett Publishing Company, 2009), with his former PhD student, Leonid Trofimov, for use in teaching.

The Rise of Western Power: A Comparative History of Western Civilization (Bloomsbury, 2014) interprets the West’s rise to world preeminence. Historians Debate the Rise of the West (Routledge, 2015) summarizes the arguments of two dozen scholars.  Currently, Daly is conducting research for a history of the Soviet collectivization drive and the resultant famine in 1929-1933 and a history of crime and punishment in Russia from Peter the Great to Putin. He and Trofimov are also preparing a documentary history of the global impact of the Russian Revolution. Daly’s other publications have investigated topics in Russian and European legal history, the pre-1917 Russian press, the Bolshevik attack on the Russian Orthodox Church in 1922, Bolshevik conceptions of the common good, and the personal security service of Tsar Nicholas II.

Areas of Research / Professional Expertise

    Jonathan Daly teaches Russian, European, and world history. His courses inquire mainly into the nature of Western Civilization–how it rose and shaped the modern world–and into the unequal struggle between the Russian state and society. His research interests include Human Rights, Religion, Cultural History, Intellectual History, Intellectual and cultural history, Legal History, Institutional history, Political History, and History of Political Thought.



Featured Title
 Featured Title - Historians Debate the Rise of the West - 1st Edition book cover