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9 tips for writing a successful research paper

Posted on: July 23, 2020

Writing a research paper is hard work, especially when you're approaching it for the first time. This infographic provides you with nine tips that will help you write the best paper you can. To download the infographic, click here.

9 tips for writing a successful research paper

  • Before you begin your paper, make sure you know what your lecturer is asking of you. If you aren’t sure, ask.
  • Choose your topic carefully, make sure it is something that interests you.
  • Utilise all the resources your library offers: books, journals, digital platforms, etc.
  • Colour code your research notes by theme. It will make it easier when you come to structure and write your paper.
  • Make sure you keep bibliographic information on all your research notes so you can be sure your referencing is accurate.
  • Create a thesis statement that is clear, arguable and precise.
  • Plan your paper before you start writing. A well thought out outline will provide direction to your writing and ensure you stay on topic.
  • When you’ve finished writing, read it through and ask whether you have expressed what you set out to say. You could also ask a friend or classmate to read through it as well for a second set of eyes?
  • Carefully proofread your final draft, checking for grammatical and typographical errors and that every source is accurately referenced.