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Five Reasons We Offer Inclusive Access

Five Reasons Why We Offer Inclusive Access

Posted on: September 24, 2020

Inclusive Access has become a popular term on campuses across the country. What is Inclusive Access? It is a program being implemented by universities and booksellers that offers a low-cost solution for students. Here are five reasons why we offer Inclusive Access and how it benefits faculty and students:

1. Affordability

  • Lowest-price option: When students are faced with high-priced textbooks, they may opt to forgo buying the book or drop a course altogether. Keeping costs low gives students, the freedom to take the courses they want, not only the ones with cheaper textbooks.
  • Full transparency with no percentages for student enrollment: Your class size has no impact on the price of the textbooks. We keep the costs the same no matter the enrollment percentage.

2. Ease of Access

  • First-day access means greater student retention: Students are ready on the first day of class with full access to their course materials.
  • Integrated to LMS: Students can easily access all their materials online through your learning management system.

3. Student's Rights to Opt-out

  • Students can choose to ‘opt out’ before the end of the add/drop period: Students have freedom of choice. They can opt out of the program if they’d prefer to purchase their books somewhere else (or not at all!).
  • Bookstore partners take ‘Opt Out’ policies seriously: RedShelf and VitalSource value each institution’s policies.


4. Instructors Can Make the Decision

  • Instructors choose the course textbook and talk to the bookstore: The power is in your hands. Select the course materials you’d like and let your bookstore representative know.
  • Purchase options in digital formats: An all-digital classroom has never been easier. Browse our wide selection of eBooks.


5. Easy Implementation Through the Bookstore

  • Your bookstore works with our partners: Our partners RedShelf and VitalSource will work with your bookstore to make sure you and your students have the materials they need from day one.
  • The highest discount for the chosen textbook: We work to ensure the lowest prices for your students.
  • LMS Integration: Whether you use Blackboard, Canvas or any other learning management software, our materials will be integrated seamlessly in the system.


If you're interested in learning more about how inclusive access can work in your classroom or at your institution, let us know! Subcribe to our mailing list to get your institution involved, today!