Classical Recording: A Practical Guide in the Decca Tradition

Learn the tried and trusted method originally developed by Decca engineers for piano recordings.

There is perhaps no other instrument like the piano that divides as much opinion regarding the best way to record it. This chapter examines the features of the instrument and the principles involved in recording it, before exploring the method developed by Decca engineers that is behind so many wonderful piano recordings.

Engineers with experience of other techniques may be sceptical of this approach and find it hard to believe that it could or would work. The best way to decide is to try it and make your own judgement!

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What's included:

The Piano from Classical Recording: A Practical Guide in the Decca Tradition

Featured Book

1st Edition
Classical Recording: A Practical Guide in the Decca Tradition
USD $54.95 $43.96
October 27, 2020 by Focal Press
ISBN: 9780367312800
410 Pages