Textbooks by Subject

Browse our subject catalogs and discover Taylor & Francis's diverse offering of textbooks across the humanities, social sciences, arts, science, technology, engineering, and medicine. We’ve organized each individual catalog according to common courses within that specific discipline to help you find exactly what you’re looking for.

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We have created some Online Textbook Collections for all of our Key New Textbooks to help you find exactly what you require for the new term! 
Anthropology Law
Archaeology Life Sciences
Audio and Music Linguistics
Business Literature
Chemistry Mathematics
Classical Studies Media, Culture and Communication 
Construction & Property Philosophy
Criminology UK Photography, Art and Visual Culture
Criminology US Physics
Development Studies Politics and International Relations
Economics Psychology and Mental Health
Education Religion
Engineering Sociology
Film Making & Postproduction Software Networking and Security
Forensics and Homeland Security Sport and Leisure
Geography Statistics
Health and Social Care Theatre and Performance
History Tourism, Hospitality & Events
Landscape and Planning Veterinary Medicine
Language Learning