Routledge/Taylor & Francis is the world’s leading academic publisher in Education and a proud partner of preeminent and emerging learning scientists around the world.

In our comprehensive catalogue of learning sciences books, we are thrilled to showcase this exciting, interdisciplinary field’s most important empirical and theoretical foundations, design principles and research methods, technological and pedagogical applications, and much more.

The list below includes graduate-level textbooks, definitive disciplinary handbooks, empirical research volumes, and practical works for teachers, leaders, designers, technologists, and other education professionals. 

Our editors welcome the opportunity to discuss new book ideas with prospective authors. Please feel free to contact the appropriate editor listed at the bottom of this page. We can't wait to hear from you!

Publish With Us

Our experienced editors are always looking to hear from authors with fresh perspectives on classic and emerging topics, and ideas for cutting-edge edited collections and innovative interdisciplinary studies. Please feel free to contact the appropriate editor, found below. 

Learning Sciences Commissioning Editors

  • Bruce Roberts is open to general Learning Sciences queries and proposals from authors around the world (excluding North America).

  • Daniel Schwartz is open to general Learning Sciences queries and proposals from authors based in North America, and educational technology-specific projects from authors globally.