Transition to Tech Series

Are you interested in writing a concise introduction that will have practical impact,

helping professionals upskill, reskill and transition to the tech world?

We are commissioning books for the new CRC Press/Chapman & Hall, Transition to Tech Series.

More and more professionals in ‘non-tech’ careers are pivoting into technology such as AI, Machine Learning, data analytics and robotics. 

Professionals are looking to futureproof their careers by embracing technology.

The Transition to Tech Series  will consist of slim, practical guides written for professionals who want to enhance their employability, build new capabilities in tech and pivot mid-career.

Topics include

  • Transition your career to tech: Advice and experience for professionals pivoting into technology
  • Transition to AI and Machine Learning: Using new tools and techniques
  • Transition to data: Understanding data science and statistics for solving specific problems
  • Transition to code: Coding beyond the basics such as with Python
  • Transition to automation: Beginning to use and develop robotics in industries such as agriculture, horticulture and education
  • Transition to storytelling with data: Using data visualization, graphic design and gamification
  • Transition to UX: Creating digital interfaces to enhance user experience
  • If you have an idea for a slim, practical book where there is a clear use-case, please reach out using the email below in the first instance, with a short description.

For more information about the series or to register your interest contact George Knott , Commissioning Editor.

  • The proposal process is approachable and our editors can work with you to develop book projects. Approved projects are to be published by CRC Press/Chapman&Hall, imprints of Taylor & Francis.