1st Edition

Javascript for R

By John Coene Copyright 2022
    354 Pages 68 B/W Illustrations
    by Chapman & Hall

    354 Pages 68 B/W Illustrations
    by Chapman & Hall

    354 Pages 68 B/W Illustrations
    by Chapman & Hall

    Little known to many, R works just as well with JavaScript—this book delves into the various ways both languages can work together. The ultimate aim of this work is to put the reader at ease with inviting JavaScript in their data science workflow. In that respect the book is not teaching one JavaScript but rather we show how little JavaScript can greatly support and enhance R code. Therefore, the focus is on integrating external JavaScript libraries and no prior knowledge of JavaScript is required.

    Key Features:

    ● Easy to pick up.
    ● An entry way to learning JavaScript for R.
    ● Covers topics not covered anywhere else.
    ● Easy to follow along.

    1. Overview. 2. Prerequisites. 3. Introduction to Widgets. 4. Basics of Building Widgets. 5. Your First Widget. 6. A Realistic Widget. 7. The Full Monty. 8. Advanced Topics. 9. Linking Widgets. 10. Final Revisions. 11. Bidirectional Communication. 12. A Complete Integration. 13. Tips & Tricks. 14. Custom Outputs 15. Custom Inputs. 16. Cookies. 17. Widgets with Shiny. 18. The V8 Engine. 19. Machine Learning. 20. Managing JavaScript. 21. Discover Webpack and NPM. 22. Webpack with R. 23. Webpack Advanced. 24. Conclusion.


    John Coene has been working with R, and JavaScript for a number of years, and has worked for a variety of organisations ranging from large tech companies in China to International Organisations in Switzerland.