1st Edition

A Staff Guide to Addressing Disruptive and Dangerous Behavior on Campus

By Brian Van Brunt, Amy S. Murphy Copyright 2018
    276 Pages
    by Routledge

    276 Pages
    by Routledge

    There is an increasing population of students coming to college who challenge and frustrate staff. Students struggle with complex mental health problems, environmental stress, anger difficulties, and the potential for explosively acting out with threats or violence. This practical guide provides college and university staff with direction when working with these students in a variety of college environments, including community colleges, four-year institutions, and online learning environments. Coverage includes how to identify and assess students who are at risk, calm and de-escalate a crisis, motivate and inspire change, and how to manage and maintain change in a positive direction over time. Grounded in theory and research, this book offers practical and tangible advice and guidance to make it easier to assist students in need.



    Part I: Foundations and Theory

    Chapter 1: Introduction: Defining Disruptive and Dangerous Behavior

    Chapter 2: Understanding Student Backgrounds and Experiences

    Chapter 3: Calming the Initial Crisis

    Chapter 4: Motivating and Inspiring Change

    Chapter 5: Managing Ongoing Behaviors

    Chapter 6: The Campus BIT, Threat Assessment, Dangerousness

    Part II: Practical Application

    Chapter 7: Advice for Residential Life Staff

    Chapter 8: Advice for Academic Advisors

    Chapter 9: Advice for Front Office Staff

    Chapter 10: Advice for Case Management Staff

    Chapter 11: Advice for Student Activities Staff

    Chapter 12: Campus-Wide Staff Training and Processes

    Chapter 13: Conclusion

    Afterword: A Little Dignity Please… Joseph Allen

    Appendix A: Scenario-Based RA Training

    Appendix B: Reality Therapy WDEP Worksheet



    Brian Van Brunt is Senior Vice President for Professional Program Development at the National Center for Higher Education Risk Management (NCHERM), USA.


    Amy Murphy is Assistant Professor of Student Development and Leadership in Higher Education at Angelo State University and formerly the Dean of Students at Texas Tech University, USA.

    "An engaging, enjoyable, and highly readable book on a challenging subject! The specific examples and practical advice for various departments in student services should help bring down the stress levels for front-line staff in particular. Well done!"  
    —Cheryl Hagen, Vice President and Chief Student Affairs Officer, Schoolcraft College, USA