Practical Resources for the Classroom

With practical strategies and insight articles from our education experts, our aim is to support you in the classroom. Whether you are a beginning teacher or have had several years of experience, here you’ll find the latest news, tips and advice in education.

Browse our range of topics that cover everything from creating positive learning environments to using online tools and equip yourself with the skills you need to thrive as a 21st century teacher.

New Insights From Our Education Experts

Rigid Approach to Teaching Phonics is Failing Children

Experts show that phonics should be taught hand-in-hand with reading and writing to encourage true literacy and a love of reading, not through narrow synthetic phonics.

How Picture Books Create Strong Literacy Skills

Early literacy education is important to set up lifelong learners. Explore these tips from Jane Torr, author of Reading Picture Books with Infants and Toddlers, as she explores the positive impacts and interactions of shared reading for young children.

Why Does Teachers' Assessment Literacy Matter?

Assessment often does not result in improved student outcomes. Dennis Alonzo, author of Assessment to Support Learning and Teaching, explores why this is and what can be done instead to improve learning outcomes.

New Professional Learning Books